- System crashes
- Installs itself without permissions
- Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel
WANNACASH NCOV RansomwareWANNACASH NCOV Ransomware encrypts files, which makes it inherently dangerous. It cannot encrypt any file on any system, however. First and foremost, it must perform successful invasion, and this malware goes after Windows operating systems in Russian-speaking regions. To invade a system without alerting the user, it has to use disguises and tricks, which is why it is likely to use misleading spam email attachments and bundled downloaders or unreliable file-sharing sites. Once the executable of the infection is opened, it has to go through one other hurdle – Windows security. If there is no security software guarding your operating system, the infection is free to encrypt your personal files and drop a .TXT file that delivers the attackers’ message to you. If security software exists, it should automatically catch and remove WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware. Obviously, if you need to delete this infection from your system, we will help you. Once WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware is executed, it encrypts files immediately. The encryption process is normally used to lock personal files from others. You can use encryption to secure your documents, photos, and other types of personal files. Unfortunately, ransomware creators have found a way to employ encryption to their own benefit, and now they can lock your own files from you. Once the file is ciphered, you cannot read it, and that is exactly what the attackers need. Next to the encrypted files, you should find the “как расшифровать файлы.txt” ransom note. Copies should exist in every affected folder, and of course, you will need to delete every single copy in the end. Can you open the file to read the message inside? Normally, touching malware files is a no-no, but this is just a simple text file, and you are out of harm’s way if you open it. The text is in Russian, which is why we believe that WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware only spreads in Russian-speaking regions. Of course, cybercriminals are adaptive, and it is very easy for them to translate the same note in different languages and spread malware in different places. The ransom note presented by WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware suggests that the AES-256 encryption algorithm was used to encrypt your personal files. This algorithm is popular among file-encryptors, and it has been used by GrujaRSorium Ransomware, BSS Ransomware, LockerGoga Ransomware, and hundreds of other well-known infections. The ransom note of WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware lists the extensions of files that can be encrypted, including .doc, .xls, .pdf, .mov, .avi, .zip, .rar, and so on. The most important message, however, is that you can recover the corrupted files. According to the ransom note, if you send a message to noallpossible@cock.li or the backup supermax@cock.lu, you will be assisted. In reality, the attackers will push you to pay a ransom in return for a decryptor, a key, a password, or something else that, allegedly, could restore your personal files. Do not trust cybercriminals. They will take your money, but they will not help you recover your files. Unfortunately, at the time of research, a free decryptor for this malware did not exist, and so you can salvage your files only if copies exist already. Deleting WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware is not a complicated process because there are only two files that belong to this malware. First, we have the .exe file that launched the infection and also the ransom note file. While you should be able to find the copies of the ransom note file, the .exe file has a unique name in every case, and it could have been dropped anywhere on your computer. Due to this, we do not believe that manual removal is the best option. Instead, we recommend implementing anti-malware software that can remove WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware – and perhaps other threats on your system you are unaware of – automatically. Even better, it can protect you afterward, so that other infections could not try and succeed and invading your system. As for your personal files, if you have backups/copies stored outside the computer, you can replace the encrypted files after deleting the threat. Unfortunately, we do not have better news for you. If there is anything else we could help you with, let us known in the comments section. WANNACASH NCOV Ransomware Removal
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