is a questionable search website from Israel. If you find this site in your browser as your new homepage, you should know that a browser hijacker has managed to sneak onto your system, possibly without your knowledge. We have seen a number of similar malware infections in the past year emerge from Israel, including and If you have this browser hijacker on board, it is quite likely that you clicked on corrupt third-party content previously. This also means that it is probable that you will find other malware infections on your system hiding. If you engage with the content this search website may show you, it is possible that let further infections on board or end up being scammed online by cyber villains. In any case, we recommend that you do not hesitate to remove from your computer as soon as possible. We have not found any official website that promotes this search page as a standalone file like a browser extension. In fact, it is most likely that you install it when downloading a free program from suspicious file-sharing pages (torrent and freeware) like,, and However, even if you never use or visit such sites, you can still infect your computer with malicious bundles. If you do not only visit websites consciously and carefully choosing, it is possible that you end up on suspicious pages associated with online betting, gaming, online video streaming, dating, or porn. These sites are infamous for their dodgy third-party contents, such as banner and pop-up ads, fake buttons, and fake system notifications. Viewing such a site may, for instance, expose you to fake pop-up downloaders claiming that you need to install the latest Flash driver to view content. However, when you click to install, you would simply drop a bundle of threats onto your system. When your PC is infected with malware like adware, you can never really feel secure while surfing the net. Such an infection can either redirect you to malicious sites automatically or present to you corrupt third-party ads. In other words, if your computer is infected, it is even more likely that you infect it again and again. This is why we believe it is crucial that you use a trustworthy online malware scanner after you delete from your browsers. You may not even notice that your homepage has changed in your Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome, because this potentially harmful search website looks very simple and innocent. It seems that it mainly changes your homepage and not your new tab or default search engine settings. Still, the presence of this browser hijacker in your browsers may pose a threat to your virtual security. It is important to know that this hijacker may gather data about you, which could be used by the creators to promote affiliates based on your preferences and interests, but this data might also be shared with third parties. Your queries are sent to a Yahoo search results page, which can be altered by this hijacker. This means that you could be introduced to potentially unreliable third-party ads and links when you land on this results page. If you click on unreliable content, you could infect your computer behind your back or even be redirected to malicious websites and get scammed. We do not think that you want first hand experience to see what might happen. Thus, we advise you to remove as soon as possible. If you are lucky and this browser hijacker only modified your homepage settings, you can use our instructions below to manually put an end to this useless search engine. However, if you still see it in your browsers after you eliminate it this way, there is a chance that you need to reset your browsers. Nevertheless, even that would not make your system all secure if there are other malicious threats hiding. If you are not an advanced user, we suggest that you install a powerful anti-malware program like SpyHunter, to automatically safeguard your PC against malicious and potential threats as well. How to remove from your browsersMozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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