Danger level 6

Chrome Security Warning Scam

Web browser-based scams are no longer surprising to computer-savvy users, but some still may get easily deceived by the Chrome Security Warning scam, which is aimed at scaring unsuspecting Chrome users into thinking that they will not be able to use their computers. The fake security warning is no longer active, because the domain manage-domains38-code754-com.ga displaying the deceptive notification is not accessible. Nevertheless, if your browser has been affected by this nefarious Chrome Security Warning scam, it is advisable to reset the browser and check the overall system security status by having the system scanned by anti-malware.

Online scams differ in their content, but all of them are aimed at making the victim believe that there is an issue that has to be solved, and the solution is offered either by phone or through some infectious website. In the present case, the victim of the Chrome Security Warning scam is presented with a pop-up warning claiming that the computer is locked because it has been used for accessing and using pornographic material including children. In order to solve the issue, i.e., to supposedly unlock the computer, the victim is required to call the toll-free number 0800-046-5275.

It is crucial to ignore the recommendation to call some technician because you are likely to be charged for the call and, once you are put through to the fraudster, various deception scenarios may be used. For example, you might be asked to visit a website and download a tool that supposedly unlocks your computer or helps the technician solve the issue. You may also be asked to pay for the service provided by the fraudster. To do so, you may be requested to provide your credit card details. Under no circumstances should you ever reveal your banking details by phone to someone presenting herself as a technician. The Chrome Security Warning is a hoax schemed to take advantage of you, and you should bear in mind that no reputable service provider would ever attempt to contact you by locking access to your device, or web browser, and asking you to contact an assistant.

Numerous similar scam instances involving famous brand names, such as Microsoft and Apple, have been registered. Service providers are aware that online schemers use their trade marks to deceive inexperienced users and openly declare that they do not initiate communication with their customers by using screen-locking notifications or browser windows alerts encouraging the addressee to call the toll-free number provided.

Deceptive alerts such as the Chrome Security Warning scams can be displayed when browsing ad-supported websites. Moreover, a scam warning could be displayed by an adware program, so, after closing a scam notification, it is worth scanning the system to make sure that no malicious software is running on the computer. In order to avoid similar situations, it is advisable to browse only reputable websites. Dating websites, online gaming websites, and software sharing websites are very often supported by advertising servers delivering questionable advertisements, so you should be aware of such websites and be ready for possible consequences.

Sometimes it is enough to close a deceptive pop-up warning, but there are many cases when this practice proves to be insufficient. Additional measures, such as malware removal or browser reset, may be necessary, so below you fill find a step-by-step guide that will help you reset the Chrome browser.

It is also advisable to scan the system to make sure that no malicious, stealthy programs are running in the background. If you do not have a reputable malware removal tool, we suggest implementing one so that you can browse the Internet safely. Malware differs in complexity and main goals, which may be to obtain your data, damage your files, or install more malicious programs, and you should be ready to fight off all those threats, the number of which increasing every day.

How to remove the Chrome Security Warning scam

  1. Click the 3-dot button in the upper right corner of the browser.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click Advanced.
  4. Under Reset, click the Reset option.
  5. Confirm your choice by clicking Reset in a prompt window.


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