Trojan.BrissTrojan.Briss is a malicious Trojan which has been designed to cause you computer hell. The fundamental goal behind this malicious Trojan.Briss is to steal your confidential information from your computer. This includes your passwords. Basically Trojan.Briss puts you at high risk of becoming the next victim of identity theft or a big cybercrime.Trojan.Briss will spread all over your computer files as well as all over your local network. Due to the factor that Trojan.Briss spreads everywhere, it makes detection and removal extremely difficult. Trojan.Briss may go by the following names: Trojan.Briss may display some of the following symptoms: Trojan.Briss is able to cause your computer to suddenly shut down by itself for no reason.Trojan.Briss also runs the risk of making your computer freeze completely as well as decrease dramatically in both performance and speed.Trojan.Briss unfortunately is also able to spread to all your contacts on your email lists. This means that you may give Trojan.Briss to all your friends, family and colleagues without your knowledge or consent. The best advice that can be offered is for you remove Trojan.Briss immediately upon detection. You could make use of the manual removal instructions but you need to be seriously warned that you run the risk of causing even further damage to your computer if you do something incorrectly. It is strongly advised that you rather make use of a decent and up to date antispyware removal tool that is able to both detect as well as automatically delete Trojan.Brissfor you. |
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