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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is a questionable search page that may show up in your main browsers and you may not even realize it. This is possible due to its design since it looks like an authentic search engine like Google. We have seen this style dozens of times in the past. It is sort of the hallmark of the notorious browser hijacker family called the ELEX family that include,, and Of course, most of these search pages may not even function anymore since these creators must shut down their servers from time to time. In any case, this browser hijacker is still active and may expose you to potentially risky third-party content, such as advertisements and sponsored links. Since this hijacker can show up on your system in a malicious software package, it is quite likely that your PC is under attack from a number of angles. If you would like to have your feeling of safety back, you should not hesitate to act and remove from your computer.

When such a browser hijacker appears in your browsers as your new homepage, you should always suspect that you may have installed a suspicious free software bundle recently and this is how this malware infection may have slithered onto your system along with other threats. Such a bundle can carry a number of potentially unwanted programs as well as malware infections like browser hijackers, Trojans, adware programs, ransomware programs, fake warnings, keyloggers, and more. The problem is that it is not even that difficult to infect your PC with such a package.

Sometimes all it takes is a click of you mouse over the wrong third-party content and you may drop such a bundle right away. It can happen behind your back but you may have to install this package yourself. In any case, the installer is deceptive by design, which means, it is quite likely that you will install the whole content by default if you are an inexperienced user. And, this is exactly what the schemers behind such a bundle really want. If you do not want to end up with a malicious bundle again, you should forget about downloading free or cracked software from suspicious torrent and freeware pages, visiting shady websites related to online gaming, betting, dating, and porn. And, most of all, you need to stop clicking on content that can be related to third parties (banner and pop-up ads). But even if you watch your steps while surfing the web, it is possible that your computer was previously infiltrated by malware infections, such as adware programs and browser hijackers, so whenever you go online, you risk being exposed to unsafe third-party content. This is why it is advisable for you to scan your PC with a decent malware scanner after you delete

As we have said, this search page looks totally legitimate and clean; well, apart from the questionable third-party advertisement that may be displayed below the search field. We do not advise you to click on this ad or anything else related to this browser hijacker for that matter because you could drop other infections onto your machine or get redirected to malicious websites on new tabs. Although this search page offers you four basic web search categories in the top-left corner of the page (Web, Images, Videos, and News), these are only for the "show" as it seems. Another suspicious thing about this page is that you cannot find legal documents, such as the EULA and the Privacy Policy, shared here. This search page uses Google to show you search results. This means that all your queries are actually redirected to Google; however, these results can be "seasoned" with a couple of promoted third-party ads and links to make some money for the authors. Otherwise, what is the "fun" in having such a free search page? If you do not wish to end up on malicious pages and being scammed by cyber crooks, we do not advise you to engage with any content provided by this hijacker. We advise you to remove as soon as possible.

Our experience and research show that this browser hijacker may only alter your homepage settings and infect your Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome browsers. If you would like to put an end to this malware infection and its potential threats, you can use our instructions below to restore the homepage settings. Remember that this infection could be only one of several on your computer. Stopping at this point could cause further system security issues for you. We recommend that you go on with your cleaning until your security level is perfect. You may not be able to do this alone and manually, and it would take long for even expert users to make sure that everything is back to normal. This is why we suggest that you install a reputable malware removal application, such as SpyHunter.

Remove from your browsers

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Win+R and enter regedit. Click OK.
  2. Modify the “” value data in these registry keys:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page (64-bit)
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
  3. Modify the value data in these value names in the “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}” registry key:
    FaviconURL (value data: “”)
    FaviconURLFallback (value data: “”)
    TopResultURL (value data: “”)
    URL (value data: “”)
  4. Exit the registry editor.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Win+E to open the File Explorer.
  2. Locate the “%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{Unique Mozilla user ID}” folder.
  3. Open prefs.js in Notepad.
  4. Modify the user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "") string with a URL that you want.
  5. Save and exit the file.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Win+E to open the File Explorer.
  2. Locate the “%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default” folder.
  3. Delete Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data files.
  4. Empty your Recycle Bin.
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