Spammer.Cutwail.BSpammer.Cutwail.B is a specific Trojan which comes with rootkit functionality.It is able to modify the systems winlogon.exe file.Spammer.Cutwail.B may be used in order to download as well as execute arbitrary files,by either saving them to disk or by actually injecting them into various processes.Spammer.Cutwail.B may also be used in order to send vast amounts of bulk emails everywhere.Spammer.Cutwail.B is not something that you want anywhere near your computer system. Spammer.Cutwail.B may go by the following names: Spammer.Cutwail.B may display some of the following symptoms: It is imperative that you remove Spammer.Cutwail.B from your machine upon immediate detection. If you would like to remove Spammer.Cutwail.B you have the option of a manual or an automatic removal process. The manual removal process is going to be much harder as you need to go into the system and delete certain, files, registry keys as well as identify the changes in the system that Spammer.Cutwail.B has made. It is highly recommended for users to invest in a decent antispyware removal program that will be able to detect the latest threats as well as give you the option for removal. |
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How to manually remove Spammer.Cutwail.B
Files associated with Spammer.Cutwail.B infection:
Spammer.Cutwail.B processes to kill:
Remove Spammer.Cutwail.B registry entries:
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