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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is a browser hijacker that currently roams the web. It goes without saying that our researchers highly advise you to avoid it at all costs. It is important to do so because this devious piece of software can trigger suspicious changes to default settings of web browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. Due to invasive modifications, you will not be able to browse the Internet the way you like it. Additionally, you must be aware of the fact that this hijacker might be the reason your operating system could be subjected to suspicious and even malicious web content. To learn more about how that could happen, be sure to read the rest of our report. Besides such information, we also provide a few virtual security tips that will help you maintain a secure operating system at all times. Below you will also find a detailed removal guide that will help you delete without encountering any major problems. acts quickly and aggressively once it gains successful access to your operating system. It immediately edits the contents of files and registry entries that are linked to your browser's default settings without any authorization or notification, which is frustrating to say the least. Due to such functionality your default home will be changed to a suspicious third-party website. That means that every single time you will start browsing the Internet you will be forced to start your session on a questionable site, whether you like that or not. It is not surprising that the newly appointed homepage does not present any valuable features whatsoever. Even the search box on it acts in a dubious manner. During the analysis our researchers have noticed that it could frequently present you with third-party sponsored results, which could be not related to your original query. Unfortunately such invasive functionality is not the worst thing about this browser hijacker. As it turns out some results presented by the devious search engine could be implemented with malicious redirect links. Clicking on such a result is dangerous because you could be redirected to suspicious and even malicious sites. In some cases just entering a web page crafted by malware developers could be more than enough to infect your personal computer. As you can see the invasive hijacker could prove to be just as dangerous as it is annoying. Therefore, it should not be surprising that our malware experts urge you to remove as soon as it is found up and running on your personal computer.

To avoid and other devious applications, you need to take certain steps to ensure your virtual security. Our researchers highly advise every Internet user to practice safe browsing habits. That way you will dramatically reduce the risk of infecting your operating system with some undesirable program. To limit the chances of coming across bundled installers, which are infamous for hosting tons of suspicious and in some cases even malicious programs, be sure to refrain from all unauthorized download websites. In addition to that, be sure to always learn about every program you are about to acquire. It is critical to do so because malware developers are known to use bogus marketing to lure unsuspecting Internet users into obtaining and installing their devious program without understanding how it works and what it does. Furthermore, make sure to pay your full attention to every single installation process; follow each step with your utmost attention as you could be presented with an opportunity to cancel the installation of some unwanted program. Finally, and most importantly every security-conscious user should have a reliable antimalware tool active on their PC at all times. Such a tool is necessary because it can detect and delete any virtual threat automatically. Take these precautionary steps, and you will have a virtually unbreakable operating system.

Under no circumstances delay the removal of because keeping it fully active on your personal computer might have devastating outcomes, to put it lightly. Follow the detailed instructions that we present below with care. Once you are done with them, we advise you to conduct a thorough analysis of your operating for any leftovers of It is important to do so because this hijacker could be silently restored with the help of just a few of its traces. Also, leftovers could be just enough for the undesirable change of your default homepage to remain in place. You can also check your system for traces associated with by scanning your PC with a reliable antimalware tool.

How to remove from your PC

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Go to C:\Users\,your username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.
  3. Select and remove files that are named Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data.
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\.
  5. Find and delete a file called prefs.js.
  6. Click the Windows button.
  7. Type regedit into a search box and then tap the Enter key.
  8. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  9. Right-click a registry value entitled Start Page and select Modify.
  10. Replace the unwanted URL with a new one and then click OK.
  11. Right-click your Recycle Bin and then select Empty Recycle Bin.
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