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Danger level 7

Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999

If you get a small Window with the headline “Your computer has been blocked” then your PC may have been infected with malware, or you were redirected from a malicious website to a fake security alert that has been dubbed Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999. The purpose of this fake alert is to promote a fake tech support phone number used by scammers that impersonate tech support personnel who may attempt to sell you useless software that they might claim will remove the virus and spyware that have infected your PC. While this program does not pose a significant threat, you should still remove it as it will keep hindering your browsing experience unless you do.

Let us jump right into how Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999 works. Our research has concluded that this alert is fake as it claims that your PC has been infected with malicious applications that include a virus and spyware that, allegedly, have stolen your Facebook login details, as well as your email login details and credit card details. It also claims that your photos have been taken as well. As a result, you are asked to contact bogus cyber security experts by dialing 1-888-565-0999 within five minutes of the infection. Allegedly, you will receive tech support from Microsoft, but the reality is that you might get tricked into purchasing useless software that will not do anything at all. They may recommend that you download software labeled as potentially unwanted or fake anti-virus programs. This fake alert uses scare tactics by claiming that your PC will be disabled if you fail to call on time. Our analysis has concluded that this particular fake alert looks the same as in '1-844-275-0979' Pop-Up, 024-7718-0138 Support, and '1-844-275-0979' Pop-Up. Therefore, it is evident that it is a fake alert that has come from the same people that developed the other alerts mentioned above. According to our research, this new fake alert is hosted on that can be loaded using several methods.

Our analysis has shown that Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999 can be shown to you if your PC has been infected with malware dedicated to loading The malware at hand is most likely a browser extension compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The malicious extension is most likely bundled with third-party software installers because it is unlikely that that malware is disseminated as a standalone application. The bundled software installers probably install the malware on your browser automatically and you end up seeing Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999. Another plausible way for promoting the fake tech support number is having websites load it while you are on them. Certain websites may be configured to load automatically or if you click a link that triggers it. However, no information regarding its distribution is concrete at this point.

In closing, we want to say that Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999 is a scam dedicated to promoting a fake tech support phone number that impersonates Microsoft tech support. Having a powerful anti-malware tool can save you the trouble of dealing with malware such as this because it can be quite convincing for some. So do not fall into this trap. Remove the software that caused this fake alert to appear. We also invite you to share your experience and comment in the comments section below specifying how your PC became infected with this fake alert.

Removal Guide

Google Chrome

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Hold down Alt+F.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Show advanced settings and locate Reset browser settings.
  5. Click Reset browser settings.
  6. In the dialog box, click Reset.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Hold down Alt+H.
  3. Select Troubleshooting information and click Refresh Firefox.
  4. Click Refresh Firefox again.
  5. Click Finish.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Hold down Alt+T and click Internet Options.
  3. Open the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  4. Mark Delete personal settings.
  5. Click Reset and then click Close.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Your computer has been blocked 1-888-565-0999
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