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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans

Other mutations known as:

Security Warning Pop Up

Security Warning Pop Up and its affiliated rogue applications are extremely dangerous and will only cause extreme harm to both your computer and your life.

When present on a system, Security Warning Pop Up will cause your system to malfunction as well as invade any personal information. The presence of Security Warning Pop Up can be detected by its many tell-tale symptoms. Windows Police Pro Alert tends to generate this pop up. The main aim of both Windows Police Pro Alert and its affiliated Security Warning Pop up error message is to get you to part with your hard earned money.

Security Warning Pop Up may go by the following names:

• SecurityWarningPopUp
• Security.WarningPopUp
• Security WarningPopUp

A computer system infected with Windows Police Pro Alert may display the following symptoms:

• Annoying pop up messages.
• Strange system changes that you did not do.
• Security system notifications.
• A fake scan report with fake results.
• A slower than usual computer performance.
• A faulty internet connection.

Security Warning Pop Up is generated by Windows Police Pro, therefore you will need to watch out for the following error message to ensure whether the pop up message is present on a system or not:

"Infiltration Alert
You computer is being attacked by an Internet Virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a Trojan-dropped or similar.
Attack from: 239.80.11, 105 port 58962
Attacked port: 41567
Threat: HalfLemon
Do you want Windows Police Pro to block this attack?
Yes No”

This is all one big malicious scam. Do not under any circumstances buy, install or download anything remotely related to Windows Police Pro Alert. Once you suspect that you may have Security Warning Pop up running on your computer, you need to remove it immediately. You have the option of the manual or the automatic removal process. It is imperative to be aware of the fact that the manual removal process is actually extremely hard to do and you run the risk of seriously damaging your computer, if you do something incorrectly.

It is highly suggested to rather make use of the automatic removal method, where a legitimate antispyware removal product can do all the work for you. Security Warning Pop Up needs to get driven away as soon as it gets anywhere nears your computer.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security Warning Pop Up
  • Quick & tested solution for Security Warning Pop Up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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