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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is a browser hijacker that our research team has recently discovered. Just by looking at the interface of this hijacker, it is clear that it comes from the ELEX family to which,,, and many other well-known infections belong as well. It is possible that the same party is responsible for all of them, but it is also possible that different parties are using the same engine to produce them. Although they look like normal search tools, their function is not to help you browse the web. In fact, the ELEX hijackers serve as advertising platforms, and that is the main reason to delete them. It is possible that unreliable parties are involved, in which case, the ads shown via the search provider can be deceptive and malicious. Are you interested in the removal of If you are, you need to read this report because it explains everything starting with the distribution of this threat and ending with its removal.

How did slither into your operating system? Was that done without your permission, or did you let this infection in yourself? Whether it slithered in without your notice or you installed it yourself, it is most likely that this hijacker came bundled with malicious infections. Advertising-supported software, potentially unwanted programs, malicious tracking cookies, and highly-complex and malicious threats might be bundled along with the hijacker. Since malware, in most cases, poses as harmless software, you have to be incredibly cautious. If you are not experienced enough to uncover and identify malware, we recommend employing a malware scanner to inspect your operating system. Needless to say, if more dangerous threats are found, you should take care of them first. If you skip this step, you might allow dangerous and malicious infections to roam free, and that could jeopardize your virtual security. That being said, itself can be a serious threat, especially if you interact with it carelessly. Unfortunately, most users do. does not offer original search services. To provide you with search results, it redirects you to Yahoo Search. Even if you are familiar with this popular engine, you should not use the hijacker to browse the web. First of all, you are redirected to this search provider without your permission, and that is a bad sign. Second, the name of Yahoo Search can be exploited to showcase unreliable links. Sure, the engine is original, but the results shown can be influenced by the hijacker, and, unfortunately, unreliable links and disrupting sponsored content are likely to be displayed. If that was not enough, the hijacker could also record information about you. As stated in the Privacy Policy, personal data can be recorded when you share it via online forms when ordering products and services. Needless to say, you have to be careful; otherwise, information about you could be used in various ways. All things considered, is not a useful tool, and your virtual security definitely benefits from its removal.

You can learn how to modify the homepage URL using the guides below. This should be enough for you to delete from your browsers successfully. However, we also recommend resetting your browsers because of the tracking cookies that might have been placed to spy on you. Another thing to consider is how many threats are active on your operating system. If you have already employed a trustworthy malware scanner to inspect your operating system, you know exactly which threats you are dealing with. If you have researched them, and you believe that you can delete them yourself, go for it, but do not forget that your operating system is vulnerable even if you clean it. If you cannot eliminate the existing threats manually and if you are interested in further protection, the best thing for you would be to install anti-malware software. Install it now, and you will not need to worry about your virtual security again. If you want to discuss anything else regarding this threat, please leave a comment below. Removal

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+E to launch Explorer.
  2. Type %AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ into the bar at the top and tap Enter.
  3. Double-click the folder representing your Firefox profile to open it.
  4. Right-click the file called prefs.js and choose to open it using Notepad.
  5. Overwrite the hijacker’s URL and then save the file.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+R to launch RUN.
  2. Type regedit.exe and click OK to launch Registry Editor.
  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  4. Double-click the value named Start Page to open it.
  5. Overwrite the URL in the value data area and then click OK.

Google Chrome:

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+E to launch Explorer.
  2. Type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ (or %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ if you are using Windows XP) into the bar at the top and tap Enter.
  3. Open the files named Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data using a text reader (e.g., Notepad).
  4. Overwrite the hijacker’s URL and then save the file (alternatively, delete these files).
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