Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel

Hahaha Ransomware

Hahaha Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that will take over your computer, and it will demand that you pay a ransom fee to decrypt your files. This program falls into the ever-growing category of encrypting ransomware infections that have been quite popular for more than two years now. In this description, we will discuss the program in greater detail, and we will also tell you how to remove Hahaha Ransomware from your system. The most important thing is to not panic because panic often leads to bad decisions. You should not do anything that would benefit the people behind this program.

This is not the first program in line because it is very similar to VapeLauncher Ransomware and CryptoWire Ransomware. However, that does not mean that the same decryption key can be applied to all these infections. The problem is that the encryption algorithm tends to lock files with individual private keys, so whatever tool was used for one infection, it might not work for another. Hence, the best way to restore the encrypted files is to transfer healthy copies from your backup drive into your computer. Of course, you should do that only when you have Hahaha Ransomware removed from your system through and through.

As far as the distribution of this infection is concerned, it might take several routes to reach your system. First, it could spread via spam email attachments. That is the most common distribution method used by ransomware programs. However, sometimes this type of infection may also enter your computer through website exploits, and sometimes even manually. Considering that this program is the so-called “education” ransomware, it might be someone sent you an infection installer file on purpose. Perhaps you use a Remote Desktop Protocol client that is not safe? Either way, it is extremely important that you take all the possible precaution measures to avoid similar infections in the future, now that you know just how dangerous they can be.

When the ransom message appears on your screen, the program urges you to purchase bitcoins and pay the ransom. Clicking the Buy Bitcoins button redirects you to, but this website does not seem to be associated with bitcoin mining, not to mention that you should not follow the requirements laid down by these cyber criminals. Also, if you enter the wrong decryption key into the blank box and click the Decrypt Files button, the program will restart itself. The program will also urge you to contact the criminals via, also giving you the BitCoint address and the approximate price you have to pay $500USD.

One of the dangerous things about this application is that anyone can download it from The program is written with the AutoIt scripting language, and thus it can be used by anyone, causing a lot of problem to regular computer users.

When the infection takes place, the program creates a copy of itself in the Common Files folder, the %ProgramFiles(x86)% directory. It also deletes the Shadow Volume copies at once, making it impossible to restore your files without the original encryption key. Like most of the programs from the CryptWire family, Hahaha Ransomware may not encrypt files bigger than 30MB in size, so if you have movies or other big files stored in your hard drive, they might avoid the encryption, but it does not mean this feature cannot change in the future. Since Hahaha Ransomware is up for download for anyone, future owners might be able to customize the malicious code, and then the program will encrypt more files. This just shows one cannot tolerate the application any longer.

Just because it looks like Hahaha Ransomware can cause the ultimate system crash, it does not mean you have to succumb to its demands. Please remove Hahaha Ransomware by following the instructions below, and then scan your computer with a licensed antispyware tool just to be sure that all the malicious files have been taken care of.

Finally, when your computer is clean again, transfer healthy copies of your files back. Do not forget to delete the encrypted data because there is no way to decrypt them at the moment. For more information on crypto ransomware and how to fight it, do not hesitate to leave us a comment.

How to Remove Hahaha Ransomware

  1. Go to your Downloads folder.
  2. Find the file you launched before the malware took over.
  3. Delete the file and press Win+R.
  4. Enter %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% and click OK.
  5. Open the Common Files folder and delete the random-name EXE file.
  6. Press Win+R and type %WINDIR%. Click OK.
  7. Go to System32\Tasks and find a random 10-digit name task file.
  8. Delete the file and scan your PC with SpyHunter.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Hahaha Ransomware
  • Quick & tested solution for Hahaha Ransomware removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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