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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts

Realtimeleads / Adsentinel

Realtimeleads / Adsentinel is a fairly old ad-supported program that may not even be around anymore and its servers also seem to be down currently. Still, it is possible that you may find this malware infection on your system as it can lay low for quite some time without your noticing it. This adware program is one of the more dangerous ones as it is capable of injecting Javascripts into websites you visit and thus expose you to potentially harmful third-party content through advertisements or redirections. Another unfortunate aspect of this malicious program is that it may enter you computer in the company of other malware infections. This could easily mean multiple threats to your virtual security that needs to be addressed before your system gets crippled or your files damaged. This is why we recommend that you remove Realtimeleads / Adsentinel if you find it on board.

Malware infections such as this one mostly sneak onto your system without your knowledge. As a matter of fact, it is possible to avoid them if you are more careful. Let us explain why. This adware is mainly spread in questionable bundles that are generally hosted and promoted on suspicious file-sharing websites, including torrent and freeware pages. You may believe that you are only downloading a single file when you click on the Download button on an unfamiliar page, but if it is a fake site run by cyber crooks, chances are you are downloading a malicious third-party installer, or bundle. This package can contain several malware threats, such as adware programs, Trojans, fake alerts, browser hijackers, and potentially unwanted applications as well. Removing Realtimeleads / Adsentinel alone will not help you too much in this case unless you do the same to all other infections.

Of course, when you land on unfamiliar pages that display annoying third-party advertisements, including pop-ups, banners, text links, and more, it is also possible that you click on one and download a bundle in the background or get redirected to another malicious website that may trick you into downloading an alleged software update or plugin that will contain hidden threats. You can also be exposed to such ads when there is an adware program on board from a former malware attack. For these above reasons it is essential that you only use official pages to download programs and updates, and that you do not click on questionable third-party advertisements.

It is also important that you stay alert while installing any bundle because you could have a chance right at the beginning to deselect the components and browser setting changes that you do not wish to see on your computer. Unfortunately, most users ignore this major step and end up with a bunch of threats let loose instead. If you find this adware program on board, there is a good chance that you will find other infections as well. This is why you should scan your system with a malware scanner you can trust in order to see how many harmful programs are present on your PC right after you delete Realtimeleads / Adsentinel.

This adware program is basically a bundle that contains an executable file called “AdSentinel.exe,” hence the name of the infection partly, and two configuration files called “default.action” and “default.filter.” This malware sends all web traffic through a Privoxy proxy server and is capable of injecting any Javascript into the header and footer of the webpages you load in your browsers. This allows this infection, for instance, to display corrupt ads, gather data, and perform redirections to malicious or questionable promoted websites. The advertisements shown by this threat could have labels “Realtimeleads,” hence the other part of the name we gave this adware, but these ads might also be labeled anything else depending on what kind of adware distribution server is used, for example.

As we have said before, this ad-supported program is one of the more dangerous types because of its relatively broad spectrum of capabilities. Clicking on any content coming from this infection could lead to further malware infections or even online scams if you are unlucky enough to end up on a malicious website, such as a fake online web store. Visiting fake pages like that could have serious consequences because you may believe that you are purchasing a long-awaited product for a cheap price, but instead, you simply give up your personal and credit card details to criminals. You can imagine what will be the result of that. Your money could be stolen from your account and your name could be used in further online crimes. If you do not want to experience any of these, we advise you to remove Realtimeleads / Adsentinel as soon as possible.

It seems that you can easily eliminate this ugly threat source by uninstalling it via Control Panel. If you have never uninstalled an application before, you can use our guide below. This whole process should not take more than a minute even if you are not an experienced user. If, for some reason, this were not enough, we suggest that you locate the files we mentioned before and simply delete them all. For a more effective way to handle this and other malware infections, we recommend that you use a decent anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter.

How to remove Realtimeleads / Adsentinel from Windows

Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

  1. Press Win+R and type in control panel. Press OK.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Locate the uninstaller and press Uninstall.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Locate the uninstaller and press Uninstall.

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start button and choose Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Locate the uninstaller and press Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Realtimeleads / Adsentinel
  • Quick & tested solution for Realtimeleads / Adsentinel removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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