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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is a search engine of questionable reliability that uses three main domains to operate through (us., uk., and de.). User reports and our research show that this malware infection is mostly spread in the United Kingdom and the United States. Although this search page may look tempting with its nice nature background pictures, you need to know that its presence in your browsers is not without risks. In fact, this infection could pose a threat to your virtual security by displaying potentially unreliable modified search results on your screen. But when you find this search engine in your browsers, it is also possible that other malware installers have also managed to sneak onto your system. This could cause multiple security-related issues, which most likely require your immediate attention if you do not wish to make your situation worse. We advise you to remove right away and detect all other threat sources if you want to restore the previous level of security on your system.

You may think that this infection appeared on your computer “magically” out of the blue sky; however, you may be surprised to hear that it is most likely that you let it on board yourself. It is possible to do so when you click on questionable third-party advertisements, such as pop-ups and banners, or modified search results. The infection can take place mainly in two ways. First, you may directly install this search engine in your browsers as your new home page or you could be redirected to right away without dropping this infection or any other onto your system. Second, you could download a whole package of malware installers containing this infection as well.

But whichever way you have got infected, both had to start with a click on the wrong content. In other words, it is most likely that you clicked on an unsafe third-party advertisement of some sort. This can happen when you end up on questionable shareware, torrent, and online gambling websites, for example. In fact, any website could be risky that hosts a number of unreliable third-party ads. These pages could be filled with third-party contents that may not always reveal themselves as such. In other words, these ads can be quite confusing sometimes and show up as fake download and next-page buttons as well as browser notifications trying to fool you into downloading some updates. Remember that one click is all schemers need to drop a bundle of threats onto your system or redirect you to suspicious websites or search engines like this one. If you want to secure your computer, we suggest that you delete and then, run a malware scanner to find all other risky programs as well.

This search engine provides you with a choice of decent search engines, including Yahoo and Google. This makes practically this search engine totally redundant. Why would you not use these reputable search engines directly instead, right? Of course, this questionable threat source may seduce you with its background images. But we must warn you about the potential threat that awaits you if you use it for web searches. It is possible that this search engine can collect information about you based on your browsing history. This can be used to create a profile on you and this could be shared with third parties. But this can easily be exploited by cyber criminals who could use this search engine to promote their fake and malicious websites to cause you more damage than you may be able to handle yourself. For example, you may infect your system with more severe threats, such as Trojans and other malware programs, but you can also end up in the center of an online scam and share your personal and banking details with criminals while thinking that you are buying an amazing product for a very cheap price. Well, if you do not want to be the next victim of online crimes, we recommend that you remove ASAP.

We believe that it is enough if you reset all infected browsers in order to get rid of this search engine and all other browser-related malware threats as well. Keep in mind that you may lose this way certain preferences and settings as your browsers will go back to factory default. You can use our instructions below if you are unfamiliar with the necessary steps. Do not forget about the other possible threats either. If you do not want to chase malware infections manually, we advise you to find a professional anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter, and install it as soon as possible to provide the perfect protection for your machine.

Remove from browsers

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting Information.
  2. Press Refresh Firefox and press Refresh Firefox again in the pop-up.
  3. Click Finish.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and open Settings.
  2. Click Show advanced settings at the bottom.
  3. Click Reset settings at the bottom.
  4. Click Reset in the pop-up.

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and pick Internet Options.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced tab and press Reset.
  3. Mark Delete personal settings.
  4. Press Reset and click Close.
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