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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts


Why did you install SavingsCool onto your computer? Were you promised something great? Judging by the name of this advertising-supported program, you might have been promised offers that could save you money. Is that the case? It is most likely that is. How was this program introduced to you? Did you find it packaged with third-party software? Did you research and download it on its own? Do you have no clue where this app has come from because it was installed silently without your permission? There are different scenarios when it comes to the distribution of this adware, but there is a great chance that other programs were attached to it, regardless of how it entered your computer. Do not make the mistake of assuming that other threats do not exist because you cannot see them. Instead of listening to your gut, download a trusted malware scanner to figure out if you need to delete malware. We can assure you that you need to remove SavingsCool, and that is what we discuss in this report.

According to our malware researchers, the official page representing SavingsCool does not exist. It is most likely that www.savings.cool was used for the representation of this adware in the past; however, at this moment, this site does not work. Once the adware is installed, you can go to the “Uninstall a program” menu to find the uninstaller. The product information represented along with it displays the link to this page; however, it automatically redirects to uninstall.savings.cool. Another suspicious thing about the uninstaller is that a Publisher is not listed. In fact, we do not know who has created this ad-supported program because there is no official information about it, and the creator is concealed. What we have managed to discover is that SavingsCool might have been created by same people who created MySafeSavings. The main services of these ad-supported programs share a name and file location, which cannot be a coincidence. Our research has revealed that that the name of this service is “wcmasc.exe (32bit),” and we encourage you to disable it if you want to stop the annoying ads.

Are the advertisements represented by SavingsCool malicious? It is quite difficult to answer this question because this adware could be employed by different advertisers in the future. Even if the ads it shows right now are relatively harmless, no one can guarantee that malicious ads will not show up in the future. On top of that, it is often hard to tell which advertisements are genuine and which ones are malicious. Of course, you always have to beware of surveys, shopping deals, and installers. The surveys could be employed to record information about you. The shopping deals could promote fake deals that are simply meant to advertise less popular vendors. And the installers could be used to introduce you to useless or even malicious programs. If you want to save money, we suggest you keep yourself updated about real sales. Also, do not just install software that promises to help you save money without researching it first. Good research will always prevent you from installing malware.

We have created a guide that will help you delete SavingsCool from your operating system. This guide is very easy to follow, and you do not even need to be experienced to perform all steps successfully. Are you struggling? If you are, we encourage you to use the comments section below to start a conversation. You should also think about installing anti-malware software. Although manual removal of SavingsCool is not complicated, it is not your best option, especially if other threats are active and if your operating system will remain vulnerable after you complete the guide below. If you do not install trusted anti-malware software to protect your operating system, there is a great possibility that you will face another advertising-supported program or a much more dangerous infection soon. If you want to protect yourself from the attacks of malware, you need to take care of your system’s protection immediately.

SavingsCool Removal

  1. Tap Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys to access Task Manager.
  2. Click the Process tab and end the process named wcmasc.exe.
  3. Tap Win+R keys to access Explorer.
  4. Enter %ALLUSERSPROFILE% (enter %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data if you use Windows XP) into the bar at the top.
  5. Delete the folder named boost_interprocess.
  6. Now open the Microsoft folder and move to Windows.
  7. Delete the folder named WindowsCredentialManager.
  8. Enter %AppData% into the bar at the top.
  9. Delete the folder named Windows (it should only contain the folder named SavingsCool).
  10. Tap Win+R keys to launch RUN.
  11. Enter regedit.exe into the dialog box and click OK.
  12. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.
  13. Delete the key named SavingsCool.
  14. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\.
  15. Delete the key named SavingsCool.
  16. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\.
  17. Delete the key named SCTab.
  18. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\.
  19. Delete the key named wcmasc.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* SavingsCool
  • Quick & tested solution for SavingsCool removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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