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Danger level 8
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine

You probably were not planning to set as your default search engine, but this program does not need your permission to change your browser’s settings. This program is a browser hijacker, and the main reason it enters your computer is money. Now, do not fret. It will not steal your money, and it will not try to find out your credit card details. But this program can surely cause a lot of issues and inconveniences, so please remove from the PC at the early stages of the infection. You have to nip the problem in the bud before it can flourish.

Probably, one of the best things about this infection is that it is not the first in line. Meaning, we can more or less foresee what will do, and it is a lot easier to deal with it. This program is practically an identical clone of,,, and so on. Having that information in mind, we can already tell what you can expect from this browser hijacker. What’s more, knowing its infection patterns also helps us remove it. So if you do not want to read more about the program, you can simply scroll down to the bottom of this article for the manual removal instructions.

Although this browser hijacker is a potentially dangerous intruder, it is very often that users install it on their computers willingly. Of course, you probably will not know that is about to be set as your homepage, but it true that users initiate the modification themselves. How does that happen? This happens to the hijacker’s distribution peculiarities. As you can probably tell, this program does not have a direct distribution source. So no one can download the program directly from some website. Instead, the hijacker comes with third-party installers.

You must have launched numerous third-party installers on your computer without ever realizing it. These installers help you install third-party freeware you download from file-sharing websites. Whenever you choose to download a program from a third-party source, you have to understand that the installer file that carries the program is not original. Therefore, it is very often that such files bundle several applications together to cover their development and utilization costs. Although there is nothing malicious about the practice itself, it could be easily exploited by cyber criminals to infect you with malware. is just one of the many unwanted programs that might have entered your system. In fact, since this browser hijacker has already modified your web browser, you can easily see that there is an intruder on your computer. It may be not as easy with the remaining threats. Computer security experts strongly recommend scanning your PC with a licensed antispyware tool to locate other unwanted applications. They might be slowing down your system’s performance already, and if you allow them to remain on your computer, it could eventually result in an ultimate system crash. Needless to say, you need to avoid that at any cost.

What about itself? First, the hijacker may look like a reliable search engine, but this is exactly that the infection wants you to think. If you trust it, you will be more likely to reveal your web browsing habits to this infection, and its creators will then spam you with customized commercial content. After all, that is the main reason the program enters your computer: It wants to make a profit. And this tactic may look rather annoying at first, but you will soon realize how dangerous it is, too. The problem is that cannot review the third-party content it promotes, so some of the links it displays might redirect you to malware-related sites, as well.

Needless to say, when you land on a malware-related page, a malicious infection is just a click away. To protect your computer and your personal information from such threats, you have to remove immediately. It is not complicated to terminate this browser hijacker on your own, but you can always leave this to a professional security tool. This way, the program of your choice will also take care of other threats that might be present on your system, and you will not have to worry about your computer’s security again.

How to Remove

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Win+R and type regedit. Click OK.
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  3. Right-click the Start Page value on the right. Select Modify.
  4. Replace the startup page and click OK.
  5. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}.
  6. Right-click and modify the following values:
    FaviconURL Fallback


  1. Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
  2. Type %AppData% into the Open box. Click OK.
  3. Go to Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Unique User ID].
  4. Open the prefs.js file.
  5. Delete the following string from the file: user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "");
  6. Save changes and close the file.


  1. Press Win+R and type %LocalAppData%. Click OK.
  2. Go to Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.
  3. Delete the Web Data, Secure Preferences, and Preferences files.
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