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Danger level 8
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is a browser hijacker that looks identical to,,, and hundreds of other hijackers, most of which we have analyzed on this website. This threat is represented as a search tool, but it is not difficult to realize that it cannot be used for web browsing. In fact, you should realize this the moment you enter a keyword into the search box. Of course, the “Google Custom Search” tag within the search box might help you realize what is going on before you even enter any keywords. The reality is that this “search tool” can do nothing else but redirect you to a third-party search engine. On top of that, this engine is unreliable, and you might have serious regrets using it. Continue reading to learn if your virtual security is in danger and if you should remove from your operating system.

The first thing you need to ask yourself when you start analyzing is how did it get into your operating system? Did you install it yourself? Was it bundled with third-party software that might also require removal? Maybe it was installed without your permission? If you have installed it yourself, it is most likely that you have been introduced to this hijacker via a malicious installer carrying a bunch of other programs. Although it might seem as if you installed yourself, you must keep in mind that third-party installers can present misleading information to trick you into thinking that malware or useless programs are exceptionally great. Also, do not forget that the software bundled along with the hijacker might also require removal, so make sure you research that. Now, if this hijacker has corrupted the homepage of Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer web browsers without your notice, it should be easy for you to decide whether or not to delete it.

Have you used the search tool that represents? Google Custom Search is a legitimate search tool designed by Google, but it was designed to be used on third-party sites, so that users could look for reliable content. Unfortunately, more and more browser hijackers are exploiting this search tool, and, at the moment, it does not have the best reputation. Overall, if you land on a website that promotes Google Custom Search, look carefully if you are not facing a browser hijacker. The problem is that this search engine could be exploited to showcase the links that the developer of wants you to see. This might include sponsored advertisements, as well as links to unreliable sites of affiliate parties. In the worst case scenario, you will be exposed to links leading to malicious websites, and they might show up regardless of which search keyword you enter in.

The bottom line is that is unpredictable. It can enter your operating system in various ways, and it can exploit a seemingly harmless search tool to expose you to suspicious content. In general, the activity of this hijacker is unpredictable because there is no legal information to support it. If you are unsure about a certain program, you usually can review a privacy policy or another statement of the sort to see whether or not the services provided are what you are looking for. For example, you might want to check legal information before you accept or reject tracking cookies. Unfortunately, there is no information to support the hijacker, and – make no mistake – this is an important reason to delete it from your web browsers. Luckily, that is not difficult to do.

According to our malware researchers, you can delete by replacing the URL of the browser’s homepage. There are several ways you could do that, but we believe that the guide below offers the easiest and quickest solution. Although it is most likely that the hijacker will affect one web browser, we suggest that you check all installed browsers to make sure that they were not infected as well. Another measure of precaution is a malware scanner. Use this tool immediately after you get rid of the hijacker to look for leftovers, as well as additional malware. If all fails, use an automated malware remover, and do not forget to implement an anti-malware tool to provide you with full-time protection. Removal

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch the browser and open the Tools menu by tapping Alt+T keys.
  2. Select Options, and you will see the General menu to open in a new tab.
  3. Move to the Home Page section and overwrite the unwanted URL.
  4. Restart the browser and immediately scan the PC with a legitimate malware scanner.

Google Chrome:

  1. Launch the browser and open a menu by tapping Alt+F keys.
  2. Select Settings to access more options and go to On Startup.
  3. Mark the box next to Open a specific page or set of pages and click Set pages.
  4. Overwrite the undesirable URL and then click OK.
  5. Restart the browser and immediately scan your PC to check for leftover malware.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch the browser and open the Tools menu by tapping Alt+T keys.
  2. Select Internet options and then click the General tab.
  3. Overwrite the URL in the Home Page area and click OK.
  4. Restart the browser and perform a full system scan to check for leftovers.
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