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Danger level 9
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:

"Your computer is infected" pop up

"Your computer is infected" pop up may resemble the original Windows message alert, however it is definately not. "Your computer is infected" pop up is able to infiltrate the users computer system through security holes or via Trojan malware, for example:Trojan Zlob. One should be aware of the alert messge that will appear, should the user‘ system be infected with "Your computer is infected" pop up. It will read as follows:

"Your computer is infected!
Windows has detected spyware infection!
It is recomended to use special antispyware tools to pervent
data loss.Windows will now download and install the most up-to-date antispyware for you.

Click here to protect your computer from spyware!"

This program advertises sites with explicit content. Please be attentive because advertised content could be illegal". This "Your computer is infected" pop up will generally appear in the right taskbar area corner, resembling a shape of a yellow triangle. It informs the user that their computer is infected with Trojan Zlob (a Trojan malware) and that it may cause a system failure. Should the user click on this "Your computer is infected" pop up, it will then redirect the user to a renegade anti-spyware applications‘ website. Such websites generally promote renagade anti-spyware applications, for example: Micro Antivirus 2009, System Antivirus 2008. It is advised for all cumpouter users to not trust the "Your computer is infected" pop up application, and to delete it as soon as possible.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* "Your computer is infected" pop up
  • Quick & tested solution for "Your computer is infected" pop up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows


  1. bhushan Oct 22, 2008

    i am having the problem of x in red circle.

  2. SarahP Oct 23, 2008

    Tonight the message "your computer is infected" popped up with an X in a red circle located in the task bar.. How do I get rid of this?

  3. Jerast Oct 27, 2008

    Download Spyhunter it hellped me to delete it

  4. Jeff Nov 5, 2008

    This should be illegal I would slap the SOB's that use this... Microsoft should sue them

  5. taz Nov 15, 2008

    thank god this *****s been bothering me forever

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