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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Plugins


If you are looking for an application to help you customize your online experience, you should know that a program called AmazingTab should not be used for that. Even though vendors of it present it as an excellent tool with a broad list of customizable features, you must know that in reality this application has been categorized as a potentially unwanted program by malware researchers at our internal labs. It was classified this way mostly because it works in a questionable way and sometimes is spread in a devious and invasive way. In quite a few cases, users do not realize that what they are downloading and installing on their PC should not be trusted. In this article, we discuss the functionality of this dubious tool and explain why it should not be kept active on your operating system. Additionally we provide a detailed removal guide that will help you terminate AmazingTab in no time at all.

At first encounter, AmazingTab might seem like a fully functioning trustworthy tool that is great to have on your PC. This could appear that way as it is designed to seem like that. Once it is up and fully active on your operating system, your new tab page will be changed. Within it you should be able to set your most visited websites, the background of the new tab page, and should also be provided with links to various programs that might be in your interest. Unfortunately, these features are not that great especially considering the fact that there are better tools for customization of your online experience out there on the web. While such functionality might not seem that annoying, you should know that at times, this potentially unwanted program could contact various adware servers, meaning that your web browser could fill up with an unusual amount of third-party web content. Such content in most cases manifests itself as worthless third-party ads, coupons, and pop-ups. This invasive activity will, without a doubt, cause announce and will interfere with your online activities. Make sure to stop this invasive activity by executing a complete removal of AmazingTab right now.

Even though, you can obtain AmazingTab from its official website or Chrome Store you should be aware of the fact that it in some cases is spread via software bundles. Malware creators often use such distribution method; thus, such dubious ways of spreading means that the potentially unwanted program in question could come with other suspicious software. If you have found this suspicious tool active on your operating system and you did not install it consciously, you should immediately check your operating system for other questionable applications. If you are a security-conscious user, make sure to install a professional antimalware tool since it can safeguard your PC at all times. This way you will make your operating system virtually unbreakable.

The removal of AmazingTab is imperative since that is the only way that you can start surfing the web the way you were used to. Make sure to conduct a detailed analysis of your operating system for potential leftovers associated with this potentially unwanted program to be sure that every single bit of it has been removed from your computer. If you find such removal and analysis to complicated you can simply use a reliable antimalware tool for all your removal procedures.

How to delete AmazingTab from your web browser

Google Chrome

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Simultaneously tap Alt+F.
  3. Select Tools.
  4. Click Extensions.
  5. Click the recycle bin icon next to the unwanted add-on.
  6. Select Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* AmazingTab
  • Quick & tested solution for AmazingTab removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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