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Danger level 6
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Connects to the internet without permission


You might think that CouponGiant will showcase real coupons, but this is highly unlikely. This supposedly useful shopping assistant is just an advertising-supported program that functions as a platform for third-party advertisers to show their own offers. Of course, this advertising method can be associated with legitimate programs and services, but not all programs are legitimate and trustworthy; otherwise, we would not push you to remove CouponGiant from your operating system. Although you might think that this adware is easy to delete, our researchers have found that it is not. Learn all about this by reading our report.

It seems that CouponGiant is not represented in an official manner. This suspicious ad-supported program does not have a website that would reveal its creator or its activity, which is the first reason why this adware is considered unreliable and deserving of removal. In fact, we have seen many unreliable ad-supported programs that are just as strange, including AdPunisher, BranderApp, and Kavapuller. Did you know that all of these programs, including, CouponGiant belong to the same Multiplug family because they were built using the Justplugit engine? Needless to say, the reasons for removing these programs are the same, and one single method can be used to delete all of them.

Since the programs created using the Justplugit engine are not represented via official websites, it is not surprising that their distribution was placed in the hands of third-party distributors. According to our research, Installrex and Amonetize are the installers that are most likely to introduce you to CouponGiant. These installers are extremely unreliable because they spread malware bundles, which means that the CouponGiant could come packaged with hijackers (e.g., Websearch Hijackers), potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), and other unreliable programs. Needless to say, all of these programs can be dangerous to your virtual security, and their removal is extremely important as well.

According to our research, the suspicious CouponGiant is likely to enable the cookies that belong to third parties. This means that unfamiliar parties could track your virtual activity whenever you are browsing the web. Unfortunately, cookies and malicious files – which might run without your notice – can be used to steal private data and initiate virtual identity theft. Hopefully, you will not fall victim to such malicious activity, but this is one of the risks you might encounter if you do not delete CouponGiant from your PC and your web browsers as soon as possible.

If Chrome, Firefox, and IE browsers are all active on your operating system, you will have to put in more time and effort when deleting CouponGiant. Uninstall this adware from Windows to eliminate the IE add-on, and access the add-on managers in Chrome and Firefox browsers to remove unreliable extensions. Although the removal process seems pretty straightforward, our researchers warn that some files could remain active after removing CouponGiant. If you cannot find and delete the leftovers or other active infections, use an authentic malware remover to identify and eliminate all computer threats automatically.

CouponGiant Removal

N.B. CouponGiant might use a slightly different name.

Remove from Windows XP:

  1. Click Start on the Taskbar.
  2. Select Control Panel and move to Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Remove the undesirable application.

Remove from Windows Vista & Windows 7:

  1. Click the Windows icon on the Taskbar.
  2. Select Control Panel and move to Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the program you have chosen to delete and click Uninstall.

Remove from Windows 8, Windows 8.1, & Windows 10:

  1. Enter Control Panel into the RUN (Win+R) dialog box.
  2. Move to Uninstall a program and find CouponGiant.
  3. Right-click this application and click Uninstall to delete it.

Remove from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Simultaneously tap Ctrl+Shift+A to access the Add-ons Manager.
  2. Open the Extensions list and Remove the unwanted add-on.

Remove from Google Chrome:

  1. Simultaneously tap Alt+F to access the Chrome menu on the right.
  2. Select More tools (or Tools) and choose Extensions.
  3. Click the trash button next to the unwanted add-on and click Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* CouponGiant
  • Quick & tested solution for CouponGiant removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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