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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts is an adware server that was set up to host the advertisements created by different parties. Our research team could not find a specific program directly associated with this adware server, which leads us to believe that it is associated with various different programs. Unfortunately, you could find yourself routed to ad pages hosted by this domain if adware was infiltrated onto your PC without your permission as well. This is why our report is followed by a removal guide that could help you delete as-supported programs. Please continue reading to learn more about this.

If you are not familiar with, you might be familiar with This is the domain that redirects traffic to. This domain introduces users to different online offers, primarily associated with online games, prize giveaways, and easy money earnings. Of course, none of these offers should be trusted because they are likely to be associated with phishing scams and programs that you might have to remove if you are tricked into installing them. If you do not delete adware or stop visiting the sites associated with, sooner or later you could be tricked into exposing your virtual identity to unreliable parties.

According to our researchers, is primarily used by ad-supported programs to show pop-ups associated with the offers promoted via It is most likely that these pop-ups will appear to users living in Russia, but it is possible that users living in other countries will encounter the ads associated with as well. Interacting with these pop-ups is considered to be dangerous because they could route to completely unpredictable sites. In the worst case scenario, these sites could be used to initiate drive-by download attacks and infiltrate malware. As you know, the more malicious programs corrupt your PC, the more complicated the removal operation will become. Of course, it is a must to delete all unreliable programs active on your operating system.

Most advertisement-supported programs are introduced to users using misleading promises. For example, the unreliable ads associated with could start showing up after downloading a program that supposedly can help you save money. If you are completely lost about which ad-supported software is associated with, you can install a malware scanner to help you figure things out. Once the scanner is done inspecting your operating system, you will know if you need to remove adware or other unreliable and undesirable programs. Needless to say, we suggest deleting all infections detected by the scanner.

Manual removal is very popular because it does not require big investments. Unfortunately, most users are incapable of deleting unreliable programs and adware manually. If you follow the instructions below, you might be able to remove programs, but there are no guarantees. If you are determined to beat unreliable programs manually, you ought to trust a malware scanner to find leftover components. If you cannot delete malicious files, you can use an automated malware remover. Whichever removal option you choose, it is most important that you succeed, and, in the eyes of our researchers, only legitimate security software can guarantee success.

Remove undesirable programs

Remove from Windows XP:

  1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Go to Add or Remove Programs and find adware.
  3. Click the undesirable program and select Remove.

Remove from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Click the Windows logo on the left of the Taskbar.
  2. Open Control Panel and go to Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the app you want to delete and select Uninstall.

Remove from Windows 8 and Windows 8.1:

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+R to launch the RUN dialog box.
  2. Enter Control Panel to open a menu and move to Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the application you wish to delete and select Uninstall.
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  • Quick & tested solution for removal.
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