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Danger level 8
Type: Browser Plugins
Common infection symptoms:
  • Strange toolbar installed without Your permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine

EasyDocMerge Toolbar

It seems Mindspark is once again on the offensive, since it has recently released numerous bad toolbars, and EasyDocMerge Toolbar is one of them. Our analysts at encourage users to remove this bad toolbar, because all applications developed by Mindspark are considered malicious. Furthermore, the functionality of EasyDocMerge Toolbar can be debated, since most of the functions are being provided by other developers. Mindspark simply glued together a toolbar that features bookmarks to various websites. But that is not the main issue in this case. The fact that the toolbar contains a search engine that shows unreliable advertisements known as sponsored links is a good enough reason to get rid of this toolbar.

As indicated before, Mindspark has been very active recently, since it has released numerous bad toolbars that are all malicious in nature. Some of the more recent additions include DownloadManagerTool Toolbar, EasyMailLogin Toolbar, InternetSpeedUtility Toolbar, and EmailFanatic Toolbar, but the list could go on and on. The reason why the developers are able to release so many toolbars is that they are all the same toolbar, just with different names and bookmarks. The toolbars mostly contain very few unique features that would make them worth keeping.

The developers always make sure to create a dedicated promotional website that would disseminate their toolbars. In the case of EasyDocMerge Toolbar, it is promoted on The website features the most basic promotional slogans that claim that the application will convert and help you share your files for FREE. Of course they just cannot charge for features that so many applications and websites provide free of charge. But they still make money, which is the sole purpose of their products.

If you install EasyDocMerge Toolbar, it will ask you if you want to change your default homepage and search engine to, which is by no means unreliable. However, the developers at Mindspark have made a few tweaks to it. Take note that the full address of the modified search engine is It looks distinctive, since it features links to popular websites, such as Youtube, Wikipedia, Facebook, Vimeo, Ebay, and so on. The website uses tracking cookies to gather information about your browsing habits and present sponsored links to various websites that are potentially unreliable and can pose a threat to your computer’s security.

As you can see, EasyDocMerge Toolbar is not what you would expect it to be. Under the guise of a useful application lies a money-making machine. All of the bookmarks featured on the toolbar can be easily bookmarked on the browser itself. Its search engine is a clever way of promoting certain websites that would normally have little popularity on search engines, such as Google, Bing, and so on. Therefore, we encourage users to remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar.

Remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar from Windows

Windows 8/8.1

  1. Open the Sidebar by moving the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Click Settings and select Control Panel.
  3. Open Uninstall a program.
  4. Locate EasyDocMerge Toolbar and click Uninstall.

Windows 7/Vista

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Locate EasyDocMerge Toolbar and click Uninstall.

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Open Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Locate EasyDocMerge Toolbar and click Remove.

Remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar from the browser

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F.
  2. Select More tools.
  3. Click Extenions.
  4. Remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+A.
  2. Click Extensions.
  3. Remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar
  4. Restart the browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+X.
  2. Select Manage add-ons.
  3. Click Toolbars and Extensions.
  4. Disable/Remove EasyDocMerge Toolbar.
  5. Close.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* EasyDocMerge Toolbar
  • Quick & tested solution for EasyDocMerge Toolbar removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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