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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Connects to the internet without permission


ExstraSavings is an advertising-supported program that manifests itself as a browser add-on to the Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome browsers. We recommend that you remove this adware, as it does nothing besides disrupt your workflow with a continuous stream of third-party advertisements. This new commercial content might follow you not only on the affiliated sites, but also on the webpages where you least expect it. So, as long as ExstraSavings is on your system, your routine browsing sessions will include a part where you wade through all the superfluous ad material on your web browser. In fact, the hard-do-handle amount of third-party material might be the least of your problems, considering ExstraSavings is known to serve links that expose users to malware infections or to other schemes set up by cyber criminals.

How does ExstraSavings reach target systems? Simple. It has been found that this adware application relies on the DomaIQ installers that often promote fake Flash, Java, and other software updates. If you do not want to end up in the situation where you need to remove not only ExstraSavings, but also additional multiple threats, be especially cautious when installing freeware or shareware found on various third-party download sites. Remember, the installers might bundle extra adware or malware that can seriously impair your system.

ExstraSavings is one of the adware programs that have the ability to randomize their names in order to avoid being identified as a potential risk. If the add-on manager of your default browser lists ExsstraSavings, ExxStraSaVinggss, ExStraSaviings, EXstraSavingso, or similar randomized names, know that this is the same ExstraSavings that you need to delete this instant. This fact alone suggests a lot about the suspicious nature of this program, as legitimate software never resorts to similar tricks to avoid being deleted.

What’s more, the research shows that ExstraSavings also spies on its users by collecting information related to their online surfing habits. Though it is said to be done to improve the third-party content, this program might be modified by undisclosed parties to seek access to your bank credentials or some other personal information you would not normally share. Needless to say, you should remove this adware app, because you just simply do not need to be monitored by this suspicious program.

Are you ready to delete ExstraSavings? This program is completely useless and surely is not preoccupied with facilitating your workflow. The manual removal has the potential to turn into a complicated affair, as removing this application from the program list might not be enough to remove it from your web browser. Besides that, ExstraSavings might be already surrounded by various infections that it has helped bring onto your system. As you can see, it would be so much easier if you installed a malware removal tool that would automatically detect and terminate all the high-risk content from your PC.

Removal guide for ExstraSaving

Windows 8 and 8.1

  1. Open the Charm bar at the bottom right corner of your screen and choose Search.
  2. Type in “Control Panel” in the box and click the corresponding item.
  3. Under View by, choose Small icons, and open Programs and Features.
  4. Select the program you want to terminate and click Uninstall.

Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Open the Start menu on the left of the taskbar.
  2. Choose Small icons under View by and open Programs and Features.
  3. Select the program you want to delete and click Uninstall.

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu on the left of the taskbar.
  2. Switch to the Classic View on the left and open Add and Remove Programs.
  3. Choose the application you wish to delete and click Remove.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* ExstraSavings
  • Quick & tested solution for ExstraSavings removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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