pgcchelper.exeIt is very often that users notice unknown process files running on their systems, and they search for information on a single file. That is why we have so many queries on pgcchelper.exe too. However, rather than focusing on one single process file, we should take into account the bigger picture. This executable file belongs to Cyclon Gems application. The program is a potentially unwanted application classified as adware. It means that if you want to get rid of pgcchelper.exe, you have to uninstall Cyclon Gems from your PC first. For manual removal instructions, please scroll down to the bottom of this description. The pgcchelper.exe file has been detected over eight thousand times which shows how prevalent Cyclon Gems application is. The program targets mainly Spanish speaking computer users and it displays commercial advertisements after installation. The disturbing part related to any adware application is that users often install them onto their computers willingly. They might not be aware of the fact that they allow unwanted apps to enter their systems, but the fact remains – users trigger the installation themselves. It is very unlikely that you will download and install Cyclon Gems onto your computer from its official website at Direct download is just one of the adware distribution methods. More often than not, adware applications like Cyclon Gems travel around bundled with freeware. The installation file for this application might also be hidden behind a fake pop-up that offers to download a Java plug-in or a new video codec. Needless to say, that you have to avoid clicking pop-up ads on unfamiliar websites; otherwise you will clearly be exposed to potential security threats. As far as pgcchelper.exe is concerned, this file seems to be one of the constituent parts of Cyclon Gems. Some computer security applications even indicate this file as malware or a Trojan. It clearly shows that something is not right with this file and the adware application in general. Hence, to protect yourself and your system from any potential threat or exploitation, you have to remove Cyclon Gems from your system. Uninstalling the program should automatically remove pgcchelper.exe from the computer as well. However, if you are not sure whether the manual removal is successful or not, once you have uninstalled Cyclon Gems, run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner. Should there be any potentially dangerous files left – the scanner will detect them at once. In such a case, invest in a reliable computer security application to delete unwanted leftovers automatically. At the same time, it will help you to protect your system from any similar harm in the future. How to remove pgcchelper.exeWindows 8
Windows Vista & Windows 7
Windows XP
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