Danger level 4
Type: Other


MASetupCleaner.exe is a process file that belongs to Samsung Kies. Samsung Kies is a freeware application that allows users to connect devices that run on different operating systems. If you have MASetupCleaner.exe and Samsung Kies on your computer, it is very likely that you have installed it yourself. It also means that there should be no problem in removing MASetupCleaner.exe from your computer. However, we have to draw your attention to the fact that Samsung Kies is also available for download at third party websites, and this poses some security-related issues.

The problem with third-party downloads is that they can seldom be trusted. Although Samsung Kies is a useful program, and there is nothing malicious about it, you should download it from official distributor ONLY. When a program is up for download at an unreliable third-party website, there is a high chance that the program you are looking for will be bundled with additional applications. Those additional applications are usually adware programs that slow down your computer and expose you to potentially corrupted commercial content. Therefore, if you are about to download Samsung Kies download the program from the official vendor website.

If you have your firewall up and you have just recently installed Samsung Kies on your computer, you might be receiving warnings about MASetupCleaner.exe. This process connects to the Internet on behalf of Samsung Kies, and some computer security tools consider it a suspicious activity. It is highly unlikely that MASetupCleaner.exe will cause any serious damage, but if you think that Samsung Kies does not live to its promises, you can simply uninstall the program and delete MASetupCleaner.exe from your PC.

To figure out whether your computer is absolutely safe or not, you can scan the system with SpyHunter free scanner. In case you downloaded Samsung Kies from a third-party source, there is a possibility that you have more than just one potentially unwanted program on board, and MASetupCleaner.exe is not as useful as it might seem. If you get a list of potentially unwanted programs after a full system scan, remove all the programs and MASetupCleaner.exe from your computer. It will ensure that you do not get exposed to possibly corrupted content.

You should also consider investing in a licensed antispyware tool that would help you run regular system check-ups. With a licensed antimalware program is your best shot at safeguarding your computer against any potential cyber threats.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* MASetupCleaner.exe
  • Quick & tested solution for MASetupCleaner.exe removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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