Danger level 7
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's

Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up

If you see a pop-up that says Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer, do not click it, because the notification is obviously false. By clicking this fake alert you would be forced to download more unwanted and perhaps even dangerous software onto your computer. Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up is usually generated by an adware application so if you want to remove it, you need to uninstall the adware application responsible for Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer fake alert first.

The appearance of this fake warning on your web browser usually means that your computer is infected with an adware application. Conduit browser extensions are often quoted as the ones generating a list of similar fake alerts, including Warning! Flash Player is infected and E-mail box infected pop-ups. Therefore, if you have Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up on your screen, check whether you have Travelocity Toolbar, Search Protect by Conduit, Freecorder Toolbar, Hyves Toolbar or any other freeware application related to Conduit Ltd. installed on your PC.

You need to remove Conduit applications from your system in order to get rid of Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer fake alert. However, it might be the case that you have other unwanted programs installed, and they are displaying a string of annoying pop-ups as well. If you want to find out which adware application is generating these fake alerts, scan your PC with SpyHunter free scanner and then remove the apps at once.

It is usually possible to uninstall adware applications from your computer manually via Control Panel. Removing adware programs for good should help you get rid of Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up as well.

Technically, this fake alert is useless, because it shows fake warnings about non-existent things. It is more than obvious that your computer is not infected with viruses, and Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer fake alert only wants to redirect you to affiliated websites for web traffic count. However, even that cannot be accomplished fully, because neither systemupdater.com nor pcwarnings.com can be accessed anymore, and those are the two websites that have been used by Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up all the time.

So to put it simply, this fake alert only interferes with your browsing sessions, slowing down your browser and exposing you to potentially corrupted content. You need to remove Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up from the PC by terminating all the related adware applications. Invest in a powerful antimalware tool if need be, and stay away from third party websites that distribute freeware.

How to remove unwanted applications

Windows 8

  1. Drag mouse cursor to the bottom right of your screen.
  2. When Charm bar appears click Settings and go to Control panel.
  3. Select Uninstall a program and remove adware applications.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open Start menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and remove adware applications.

Windows XP

  1. Click Start menu button and navigate to Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or remove programs and uninstall unwanted applications.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up
  • Quick & tested solution for Warning: SYSTEM MAY HAVE FOUND VIRUSES on your computer pop-up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows


  1. ronnie callvin Jul 22, 2014

    I tried all technical support sites and downloaded every software for virus removal. But all they did was "made money from me". At last helped me. Just called their number 18009350537 and they helped me without charging much amount. I am not promoting this site but just telling everyone not to be a fool and spend money without any reason. You people are intelligent enough to understand these traps.

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