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Danger level 7
Type: Adware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Shows commercial adverts


RevenueHits is an Israel based advertising platform/network which supports a numbers of well known and widely used browser plugins. As you may know already, plugins and extensions usually provide free services, and in order to generate profit their developers often affiliate to third-party advertisers who then can irritate you with all sorts of pop-ups. Even though in some cases advertising networks are based on positive intentions it is more often that we see platforms which are related to schemers and their scams. Have you already noticed various pop-ups flooding your browsers? If you have there is a possibility that adware has been dropped onto your personal system. In order to delete RevenueHits adware you need to perform a few removal steps.

Have you recently installed Iminent, Babylon, Conduit toolbars? Have you faced Adware.SweetIM or the PUP (potentially unwanted application)? As it is indicated on, these are closely related to RevenueHits advertising network, and if you use any of these programs there is no doubt that advertisements are flooding your Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers. Our security experts recommend that you stay extremely cautious about any of the displayed in-tect or pop-up advertisements, prize draws and online surveys because some of them could be completely unreliable. Even if you are presented with advertisements from RevenueHits, there is no doubt that you could face a pop-up provided by unknown third-parties as well. Do you know what could happen if you clicked on such pop-ups? You could be routed to websites related to cyber criminals’ scams. This is why we do not recommend trusting any online advertisements.

In order to ensure that your virtual security is safeguarded you need to remove any programs which may endanger it. If you have decided to remove RevenueHits adware you may need to install authentic malware detection and removal software. Even if you delete programs related to this advertisement supported program manually there are no guarantees that components related to adware will be removed as well. Overall, you should not hesitate about the installation of authentic Windows security tools because you need to run software which could ensure that schemers’ cannot breach your virtual security. Remember that any careless step, like downloading from unreliable sources or clicking on random links, could lead to the removal of malware, and if you do not want to worry about that you should employ reliable spyware removers.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* RevenueHits
  • Quick & tested solution for RevenueHits removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows


  1. Nicolasd Aug 6, 2015

    A new game caster, creating videos to help you be a better

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