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Danger level 5
Type: Other
Common infection symptoms:
  • Shows commercial adverts


Infolinks is a company which provides services for website owners who want their websites to contain some advertisements. The company is a publisher-side company, which means that the solutions of Infolinks reside only on the individual servers. More precisely, Infolinks does not distribute anything that the user can download. Moreover, the services provided by the company do not collect any personally identifiable information, such as name, e-mail and so on.

Infolinks helps publishers and advertisers earn money by implementing different monetizing methods. For example, it can be advertisements which soon shrink down to a headline; the company can also provide intext advertisements. It means that certain words within a text on a website will be converted to links. When you hover the mouse over the link, a window introducing a product is displayed. If the visitor of that website clicks the link, the owner of the website earns money. Another way to promote a website is by integrating a tag cloud which is presented on the website after recognizing the keywords of the search. The last Infolinks’ service is inFrame advertisements which are displayed in the margins of the website. All these options enable the owner of a website to produce revenue from the unused areas of the website.

There are various browser add-ons that alter the interfaces of different websites by converting some words into links. In the case of Infolinks, no changes are made without the agreement of the owner of a website. If you come across websites that contain Infolinks intext links, you can only block them. However, note that every website has a different owner, and in order to block the unwanted links, you have to repeat the blocking procedure on each website that is the partner of Infolink.

How to block Infolinks advertisements

  1. Hover the mouse over the word that is converted into the link.
  2. Click the question mark.
  3. Block the ads.

If you do not trust Infolinks and want to make sure that the computer has not been affected while browsing various websites, install our recommended scanner which is available below. If you have any questions, feel free to leave your response in the comment box.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Infolinks
  • Quick & tested solution for Infolinks removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows


  1. cat Oct 2, 2013

    Can you tell us more about this? I'd want to find out some additional information.

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