1 of 5
Danger level 9
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Infection Video Windows 7 Repair

Windows 7 Repair

Windows 7 Repair cannot live up to its promises simply because it is a fake system optimization tool. It might tell you that it can enhance your system’s performance, but this rogue only slows down your computer and performs changes which make you think that your computer is ruined and you need to get another one. Stop before you do so. You can get your computer back if you remove Windows 7 Repair for good.

This rogue can come in many faces and names. Windows XP Repair and Windows Vista Repair is the same rogue only intended for computers which run on other versions of operating systems. However, all these different versions have exactly the same action plan and Windows 7 Repair begins its crusade against your computer long before it is thoroughly infected. At first you have to catch a Trojan infection which is associated with this rogue to have this rogue downloaded into your computer. The Trojan is easy to catch if you are not careful about your Internet browsing habits.

When Windows 7 Repair uses the Trojan infection to get into your system and it settles down, you need to get ready for a hard fight against this rogue, because it is very cunning and it tries to remain in your computer for as long as possible. The first thing it does, Windows 7 Repair loads a fake system scan, which is supposed to check your computer for any significant errors. What you have to keep in mind is that this program does not have the ability to protect or optimize your system. Worse, it performs modifications to your system makes it look like it is functions inadequately while blaming for it some other problems. Then Windows 7 Repair offers its services and promises to take care of the errors.

However, for that you would need to provide your name, address, credit card information (such as number, expiration date and CVV2). If you did that, the criminals behind Windows 7 Repair would be able to access your bank account and then perform illegal operations thus successfully stealing your money. On top of that, paying for the full version of Windows 7 Repair would not solve your problems, as your computer would still be infected with this malicious program.

The only way out of this situation includes terminating Windows 7 Repair for good. Invest in a reliable antimalware tool, which will be able to detect and delete the rogue from your computer automatically, consequently safeguarding your system against possible future attacks.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Windows 7 Repair
  • Quick & tested solution for Windows 7 Repair removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Windows 7 Repair

Files associated with Windows 7 Repair infection:

%Programs%\Windows 7 Repair\Windows 7 Repair.lnk
%Programs%\Windows 7 Repair
%Desktop%\Windows 7 Repair.lnk

Windows 7 Repair processes to kill:


Remove Windows 7 Repair registry entries:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random].exe”
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”

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