- Block exe files from running
- Installs itself without permissions
- Connects to the internet without permission
- Slow internet connection
- System crashes
- Annoying Pop-up's
- Slow Computer
AntiVira AvThere is a new player in the computer threat field, ready to deliver a sharp blow to your PC, reducing its functionally to the minimum. AntiVira Av is a rogue anti-spyware coming from a long line of clones. Its family consists of Antivirus .NET, Antivirus Scan and Antivirus Action. Just like its predecessors, AntiVira Av has one single objective – it wants to abuse unsuspecting users, extorting financial gain. Secret entrance into computer’s system is a feature common to all of these rogues. AntiVira Av is of no exception. It can be delivered to your system through various means. Occasionally it uses browser hijackers to access your system, or tries to convince with fake online scan that you need to download this fake application’s set-up file. Fake video players that are offering fake video codecs might also carry the infection, so be alert when you are trying to load a video and you are greeted by a pop-up, claiming that you need a specific codec to watch it. The appeal to get a new codec is nothing but a scam forged to make you download the rogue. If you came across similar scam software it is recommended to download Spyware scanner and check your computer right away.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* AntiVira Av
If you see the interface of this program, you can be 100% sure that you have been invaded by AntiVira Av. As it initiates a false system scan, the application might seem to be absolutely legitimate, but don’t be fooled – all the error and threat information you receive after scan is fake. The only infection that you have in your PC system is AntiVira Av. You will experience an assault of security alert messages which is executed in order to scare you. Don’t believe anything the rogue tells you, because it is not concerned with your computer security. AntiVira Av only uses intimidation to make you spend your money on a fake security tool. Don’t take notice of AntiVira Av security messages, because it’s sole purpose is to exploit you and your credit card. By no means should you believe its fake calls for action. Don’t let the rogue think for you. Use your head and kill the application before it managed to make use of you. If you leave AntiVira Av in your computer, it will cause great damage to your system. For example, it can modify your internet proxy settings so that you will only be able to access the AntiVira Av purchase pages. This is an example of the rogue's fake alert: Windows security alert Poor grammar of the alert should be enough for you to understand this notification is not real. If you are still not convinced that this application is malicious, take notice that it blocks .exe file and modifies your internet proxy settings so that you could access only the rogue purchase website. To restore your proxy settings, you need to kill the file in your Windows Task Manager. The file will have a random name generation by this rogue. Any notifications you receive from AntiVira Av are definitely fake. Don’t even try to assume they are valid. There is nothing legitimate about the rogue and if you fall for its charms you will only suffer financial losses. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you remove AntiVira Av from your system, before it caused any further damage. Be practical and protect your computer from any future threats. NOTICEAntivira AV is constantly reblocking Internet connection, and You cant install Spyhunter. You must download Spyhunter installer from the main pcthreat.com page in safe mode: How to renew your internet connection:This rogue antispyware blocks your Internet connection to prevent you from removing the rogue application. To enable the Internet connection, please follow these instructions:
| ||||||||
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
AntiVira Av
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How to manually remove AntiVira Av
Files associated with AntiVira Av infection:
%CommonDesktop%\AntiVira Av.lnk
%CommonPrograms%\AntiVira Av
Files associated with AntiVira Av infection (Win7, Vista):
AntiVira Av processes to kill:
Remove AntiVira Av registry entries:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter “Enabled” = “0″
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “ProxyEnable” = “1″
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “ProxyServer” = “http=″
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “AntiVira Av”
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AntiVira Av

get this virus off my computer!
This virus was a real pain. And I tried to renew my internet connection, but it didn't work.
I tried to do this but after I uncheck "Use a proxy server for your LAN" and hit okay. AntiVira Av checked the box again. HELP
Hey Mike,
before you do proxy server instructions you have to kill AntiVira AV process in task manager.
The best solution how to solve this problems is to download Spyhunter setup file and run it. Just when you execute setup file it will automatically restore proxy settings.
how do i do this? my task manager wont work. what site do i go to get this spyhunter setup file. i cant go on the internet at all?
start Your computer in "SAFE MODE with Networking" (Press F8 repeatedly after You turn on computer and chose the mentioned mode). After Your computer boots up it will look a bit different. Now try doing the instructions we added in our description, this should work.
I downloaded Spyhunter installer, but the virus is not letting me run it. Help!
i cant even start in safe mode.... this thing is evil i have tried everything mentioned and nothing I mean NOTHING works
Hello Craig,
Start your pc in a safe mode with networking. Then run a setup file. I should run just tested that. If there are any problems write again.
Safe mode work for 100% just follow these instructions:
To start the computer in safe mode
1.You should print these instructions before continuing. They will not be available after you shut your computer down in step 2.
2.Click Start and then click Shut Down.
3.In the drop-down list of the Shut Down Windows dialog box, click Restart, and then click OK.
4.As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, press F8.
On a computer that is configured for booting to multiple operating systems, you can press F8 when the boot menu appears.
5.Use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode with Networking option, and then press ENTER.
6.If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot system, choose the installation that you need to access using the arrow keys, and then press ENTER.
I got this virus off my computer last night by downloading a few files from another computer. I had to start the computer is safe mode with networking to complete this. It took me around 1 hour to get my computer clean.
This virus is nasty! Does anyone know where it came from? Email? Facebook?
Nigeria!!!! Scam artists @ their best, ugh I have it now as well. Just not dumb enough to fall for their master plan.
Nothing has worked for me either. I don't get it??!! I did what you said, nothing.
When I try to install spyhunter, a message shows that the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation. Also, I tried using task manager to shut down programs and it says the progam is vital to the system. cant shut down. Ive never dealt with a virus before. This is a nightmare
Is spyhunter a free software?Need ans asap pls????
Shelley- I got it from Groupon.
What does that mean?? Groupon shelley this is serious
I did a system restore as well, but seaching this feature online, it seems that it may cause harm in the future. The virus is likely still hiding somewhere in your comp. At least my computer can function now while I try to figure this out
What's "Nigeria" got to do with it?
f8 not working....what else can i do?!?!?!?
"this *****" if your using windows 7 try switching to a different windows users. once you do go to START then type REGEDIT select the tab "boot" then look for where it says SAFEBOOT then apply and restart.
this stupid crap is still on my comp and ive tried doing this manually but at least i can get it into safemode
I couldn't get none of this to work, but I figured it out. When an unwanted window pops up, right click, then click on properties. Write down the file location, pay special attention to when it starts with the odd letters.
Find the location, the virus will try to hide the file so you may have to manually type it in. It will not let you delete it from here.
Once you found the location, you need to start in safe mode by pressing F8 upon start up. Find the location again, you may still have to manually type it in, then delete the file and empty you recycle bin. My virus was hidden in (C:\Users\(my user name;this will be different on yours)\AppData\Local\Temp\(cvpyxjuwl : this is the virus) Delete it
Good luck! Worked on my first try.
It won't even let me do anything other than open the support center for the virus. I need some major help here, because this just kind of *****. It also keeps popping up a porn site...
Try these instructions.... worked for me! Good
To readers who cant get F8 to work,
Just after You start the computer repeatedly press F8 (every half second). The SAFE MODE menu should pop-up)
You said that nothing has worked, but you found the files, that are listed just bellow our description about Antivira AV, and you deleted in safe mode, just as we wrote in the comments.
In other words, the method works.
Spyhunter scanning function is free. It will show all found infections. You can remove these files by searching and deleting yourself, or You can purchase the full version, which will delete everything automatically and will further prevent You from any nasty malware.
That hideous virus had disabled every function on my computer. Thanks for the valuable information.
You are welcome
I really wish I knew where this came from, since I don't recall downloading anything in the past few days. We have multiple computers and I'm terrified of getting it on another one, since this has been such a pain (still removing the virus' footprints). Does anyone know where it originated?
I get error 1401 on installing spyhunter which says basically that its locked cant be modified at a long string of letters and numbers. This is while trying to install Spyhunter. I have right clicked and run as admin I am in safe mode. I run a computer sales and repair shop and cant figure this out its on my personal laptop running vista.
Error says I dont have access to modify the key on installation.
earlier today i got this virus from downloading an update do my div x driver, the spy hunter proved to be useful but is their any other way to remove this hell spawned creation? without have to waist money on this program??
I've tried the F8 to get into safe mode, but get a blue screen of death. Any ideas how to kill it if I can't get into safe mode?
Run Spyhunter setup file in normal mode not safe mode. Then it will run and kill Antivira Av
Thanks Chris. After hours of fiddling around, I used your technique (post 23 & 24). Worked for me lickity split.
I cannot get into safe mode via f8!
Mine won't let me access any internet site I'm doing this from my phone I need help badly
where do you search for the files to manually delete them yourself??
@Chris that worked like a teat
People that send these Virus' into the wild are the scum of the earth & deserve to die a long & painful death
very helpful info...yes the virus is a pain...thankyou very much
I have the same virus its a living hell, how do i do system restore on windows xp please? i cant get on the internet in safe mode with networking. i am using neigbours computer to look for help.
after I download spyhunter, i get an error message saying "the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation."
How do I change that?!
You must download Spyhunter installer from pcthreat.com main page and save it on desktop.
After this, restart computer into normal windows mode (not SAFE MODE). You will be able to run SpyHunter
ryan Feb 13, 2011,
Run SAFE MODE with networking and fix Proxie settings.
Follow our instructions at the end of the article.
i started with safe mood not (safe mood with networkin) then when to scan and after it it restarted my computer normonally and the viruas was gone
Pcthreat....appreciate the effort, but nothing you have said works.
Hey Eric,
Could you be more specific?
We would be happy to help you out
Whaen I try to download SpyHunter, after you choose languages, a message will appear and say "the system admin has sent policies to prevent this istalation". Please help... ASAP!!
Hi. I got the Virus two days ago. I managed to download spyhunter, though not in safe mode (because i followed instructions of a different side). It run a scan, and before the scan was finished, the virus seemed to be disappeared. I had peace for a day, but now it is back, appart from changing my proxy settings. -->
What i did not do, after i downloaded spyhunter, is deleting the things you suggest in your instructions "How to manually remove AntiVira Av", because i dont understand these instructions.
I dont know how to find something called %CommonDesktop%\AntiVira Av.lnk ect, and neither dows my searchprogram. Can you tell me you to do that? -->
Also, i just tried to get into the safe mode, and as so many others, i didnt manage. First i come to a page called "Motherboard", that tells me, to enter setup, press delete. If i do that, i come into a large setup with all kind of information, but nothing called "Safe mode". So if i don't do anything, when the "motherboard" page comes up, and wait until the white letters on black background come, and then press F8, -->
i come to a place where i can choose between two options, both called windows, the fist one something i dont remeber (but nothing like safe moder), the other cd-rom. Now each of those lead me to my normal desctop.
Also, i tried manually to delete the files, spyhunter finds. There are three, two are called egtcmbusika.exe, one called pxqsfhip. I found one of the egtcmbusika things and deleted it, but it is still there.
for safemode - esc if you can't f8!!! that should bring you there.d
This virus is pissing me off. For some reason it won't connect to the Internet on both regular or safe mode with networking. And the Internet connection seems to be fine. Help?!
leekaunani, Julie,
Yes, if You cant access SAFE MODE menu, first press ESC button, and then press F8 (repeatedly)
Please use the Proxy repair instructions just bellow the Antivira AV instructions. (You must be in SAFE MODE)
When Spyhunter runs the scan it kills Antivira AV because this infections blocks vital system processes from running. Notice that Spyhunter only turns off Antivira AV, and does not delete it!!!
You must further remove Antivira AV manually or with a software removal.
Dont go into the Motherboard thing. It's whats called the BIOS. Don't change there ANYTHING.
You may try accesing SAFE MODE menu by first pressing ESC button, and then pressing F8 (repeatedly).
You must delete ALL files, because leaving one will make Antivira AV regenerate.
Cam (Feb 14, 2011),
Download Spyhunter from Pcthreat main page Pcthreat.com and save it on the Desktop, but run it in Normal Windows mode.
PCthreat i LOVE you. was a bit confused there for a while as I would download spyhunter to desktop and then restart in normal mode and it was gone. Chris's comments really worked (PCthreat i know you said the same thing but he seemed to spell it out better) ... anywho ... saved again
thank you chris/pcthreat. simply had to find where that SOB was hiding, then delete in safe mode! brilliance, i tell you
Hi again. Thanks for the help with the safe mode, it worked now. So i got in there and deleted one file, called egtcmbusika.exe - but thats not all, right? And i still don't know how to find the others. All the things you say at "How to manually remove AntiVira Av" - can you spell them out? Because i don't know how to find them by the information given above. However, spyhunter tells me i'm clean now :-)
I downloaded the spyhunter, did the scan, but it didnt find the virus. Hopefully I will be able to find it manually
When I begin installing the removal tool I get the following error. ''the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation''
THis struck one of my machines today. Only action that I could take was to access the hidden system restore partition and wipe the box...
After i get into the safe mode and then what?
you still haven't addressed what to do for those who were unable to successfully install Spyhelper due to an error stating, ''the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation''
how do i change these administrator settings?
Thank you very much for this useful information. Thanks to this, I am now going to get my computer working normally. You really helped a great deal.
And to those that cannot get a certain thing to work: READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND READ THROUGH THE COMMENTS. Other people are bound to have asked the same thing and PCthreat might have already answered the questions you have.
Once again, THANK YOU!
same as Jay,
in safe mode but internet doesn't work? and people are talking about manually deleting it but where do I delete a file???? HELP!!!
This virus has Really screwed me, ! im still trying to get it off
Hey Becci,
If you have installer in your system already all you have to do is reboot pc in normal mode and active Spyhunter installer
Hey Jay,
You should now do How to renew your internet connection instructions listed above. then download Spyhunter Installer and reboot your pc in normal mode. After you will reboot in normal mode run Spyhunter Installer and you will be able to delete this rogue
I got this virus yesterday and I just cant remove it.
Urgent help needed.
just like you just explained to Jay to renew the internet connections... mine doesn't connect, with no internet so how am I supoose to download spyhunter???
i don't know which processes to delete, they all look the same. also, is there anyway i can i do this without the spyhunter thing. i don't trust anything anymore. thanks.
I can get to the screen to be able to boot in safe mode, but every time I attempt to, I get the blue screen of death.
Do u have to purchase the full version in order to remove the virus
It says the system administrator has set policies in place to prevent this install, that's when I try to install in safe mode. Can't install in normal mode. Help
your product is wonderful. it made my computer like new.its faster and more reliable than ever.thanks!
Yeah I have to agree with number 82. Do you have to purchase the full version to remove it?
Removed but when turn off computer and restart its back any ideas?
it infiltrated both my home laptops .___.
Hey diana,
Boot in a safe mode with networking then apply internet connection instructions. For more information read all article above. You will find full instructions there.
Hey Lauren,
Use files list above and search one of listed files.
Hey Vince and Bri,
Yes you have to Buy full version in order to remove infection.
Hey Chris,
Please read instructions in descriptions. You have to reboot pc in normal mode to be able to install Spyhunter.
Hey keith merriman,
We are happy to help you.
Hey Eoin,
Today we found that there are new files tipes of this parasite. So update Spyhunter later on today and you will be able to remove infection
I tried to install it in normal mode but it stops the install and says it's a corrupt file. I'll try again later when I get home but any help in the meantime would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Hey Chris,
I recommend you to wait like 4-5h. There will be new definition update for Spyhunter later on today.
The Reason is that Antivira AV changed it's files. New file is %TEMP%[random][random]sikk.exe. So after update Spyhunter will be able to kill Antivira AV file. So it should work. But if you get message "corrupt file" try downloading Spyhunter install one's again in safe mode.
I downloaded spyhunter and it found infected files but it wont let me remove them without actually purchasing spyhunter. is there anyway to remove antivira av for free?
when spyhunter is finsihed scanning threats, how can i delete them manually?
nothing is found when i search for them.
Hey Nick and Jereme,
If you want to delete infection manually you should use file list above to locate and remove them.
I installed and ran spy hunter and paid for the upgrade and STILL the antivira vs is there as before with no change.
Please help it's already cost me $42 for your software.
downloaded and purchased spyhunter; ran the scan and it said it killed the virus. All was well for about 30 minutes then computer shut itself down; virus back when turned back on; ran scan again and virus was there so killed it again. Now computer keeps powering itself off for no reason..any suggestions?
I got all of this done and ran SpyHunter. The only thing it found were 76 spyware cookies and one infection called Whazit. Is that all or should I still be concerned about AntiVira AV?
Comments 21 and 22 helped me delete it. Anyone who is confused, use those tips!!
also, a way to get into safe mode is to shut down your computer forcibly (like flipping the power switch or holding down the power button), turning it back on will result in a menu of how to start your computer up after an 'unsafe' shutdown and safe mode should be accessible that way.
I managed to get into the menu screen for safe mode options n ect but the d pad wont work i cant choose any option.. I also found the file name lyk chris sed but how do i find its specific location. Once i get into safe mode. Arghh Nightmare HELP
Chris and mary,
If You bought SpyHunter, and it didnt remove Antivira AV completely, use the "Spyware Help Desk" function. Our support team will create a custom fix for You.
You are almost right about this method, but it is possible You could damage the hard drive.
still haven't seen an answer regarding what to do about the error message "the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation". can't even download the spyhunter installer.
help, please
PLEASE HELP ME IVE TRIED EVERYTHING! im crying i cant do this!
anitvirus unable to remove from my laptop i got all ip adress if any1 OUT there can hack thEY systems of antivirus its safe for all us..............plese don't buy xp7 win........................hoples go for mac.......oprating system more safe then xp.....***** this winows xp7
Chris S.
We told this already a few times. The message "the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation" tells that SpyHunter cant run in SAFE MODE. You must Restart the computer in normal mode to run SpyHunter installer.
Boot into Safe Mode and delete the following file:
C/Program Data/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Start Up/New Text Document
I wasn't able to run SpyHunter (the virus wouldn't let me open it), but I was able to track the source of my problems to the "New Text Document" file. After deleting it, all is good for me so far.
couldn't access anything on my pc, so I bought into AntiVira AV. $70 lifetime protection offer. Everything works fine now. Is my pc in danger now?
Thanks a lot! the only part that confused me was once you're in safe mode and have downloaded Spyhunter, you need to restart in normal mode and install from there. Besides that it worked beautifully!
i dont get what to do after step 4 plssss help me!!
im in safe mode but my internet is not working?!?!how do i connect it back and wat do i do??im not really good with computers@@im using my phone to access internet
When You're in SAFE MODE, follow the instructions "How to renew your internet connection"
I downloaded spyhunter in safe mode, now how do I activate it in normal mode?
Computers are junk! Leave them and get on with your life. Mine is going under my car in the morning. What a joke! Never to own another piece of crap!
Do you need to delete all things in each box above? How do you find those to delete?
what do You mean by "activate"?
I was able to run spyhunter....it did not delete anything, but for some reason I was able to operate my icons and such. At that point I did a system restore and all my problems seem to be gone!
I wrote this before, think they deleted my post for saying not to buy spyhunter, you do not need to purchase anything to remove this. Boot into safe mode, once in safemode do a system restore and roll back 1-2days will take 10mins. pelase dont delete this post like you did my last one.
I cant go on safe mode, the pc restarts automatically its evil, so evil i need help!!!!
When I try to get into Safe Mode my computer just informs me it's checking the status of the embedded security chip. It usually does this, but it's usually done in about 7 seconds. Now it just stays at that point, eternally checking. Any ideas?
HOLY CRAP!! Luke u are right...worked for me...thanks!! And to pcthreat, sorry....but Luke's idea worked a whole lot better!!!!! Sorry
system restore doesn't remove the Antivirus AV files and it might miss some startup entries. It is advisable to do a system scan after restore as well.
Argh stupid spyhunte won't run... It's fine until it says 'windows cannot acces the specified debice,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." FML! Soo wanna cry right now... Nothing works
Yay chris's comments at 21 and 22 work .... Happy chappy now!
How do you manually delete the files? I want to stab myself in the eyeballs with a pencil right now, this is insane.
I deleted the file over 8 times in safe mode and emptied my recycling bin. It still comes back when i restart.
I'm also having problems with the 'system administrator has policies to prevent this installation' message. I read what you said about starting it in normal mode but if I havent been able to download the installer (not spyhunter itself) then I have nothing to click on in normal mode. Confused! Please help!
Sarah L
You must have not deleted all the files
Sarah L,
Thats why we mentioned that You need to download the infection scanner from the main page pcthreat.com. Go there, click the button on the right, download the scanner and save on desktop, now go and load Normal Windows mode, and try running.
I managed to get internet without the Safe Mode for all of you who are having trouble with it.
I clicked on Start, then Control Panel, then Network and Internet Connections, then Internet Options, went to the Connections tab, and changed the LAN settings there.
So then I was able to go online without spending time restarting and waiting for the F8 menu thing to pop up. And it also got rid of the ''the system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation'' message that I got when trying to download SpyHunter in Safe Mode.
Once I downloaded SpyHunt and completed the scan it got rid of the virus :D
Thank you, Pcthreat!
Hello Noelle ,
We are glad to help you.
I am trying to install spyhunter but in the opening process it stops and says i need "executionguard.dll" what is this.
My son's laptop has been infected. I've got as far as running SH in normal mode. *****uming that the virus is found, do need to go into the registery to delete the files or just search in the start menu?
Also, it's good to see what a 13 year old boy is looking at on the net. He might be able to delete browsing history but obviously doesn't know how to delete cookies. LOL.
just doo what i did posted the web site link on a hackers for life site and spaming web site and i sent the 2 nasty emails telling them to send me the remover for there crap. i hope a hacker hacks there site and emails may teach them a bit.
Damnit...nevermind the virus came back next time I went onto the computer =_=
Even from the main pcthreat page it still won't let me download it. Is there anyway I can change my system administrator policies?
This is for Chris who posted around Feb 10, 2011 - your suggestion to simply delete that darn program in Safe mode worked for me... after surfing the net for 4 hours on my Ipod (this virus prevented me from using the net), I came upon this site... Chris... man, you're my hero!
found file manually. But it is saying i need permission to delete. Help!!!!!!!
2 weeks ago my sons computer had this nasty virus. After carefully following the instructions PCThreat gives above the computer is now functioning properly. SpyHunter does the job well and I am greatful for this. Thanks for the support.
My spyhunter gets stuck at 51%. No progress??
Oh my goodness, I had this awful virus a few weeks ago, and not only was it annoying, but it kept redirecting me to pornography sites! even worse, it kept on taking me through the "Confirm you are 18" thing (I'm 13.) Easily one of the most traumatic experiences of my life!
The installation or the downloading process?
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