Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:


The lengths developers of rogueware go to successfully tout their worthless software continually sink to even lower depths, as consumers not only have to worry about genuine threats compromising their systems but fake ones too. Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a, a fake parasite used by Palladium Pro which emanates from the well known Think Point uses this bogus threat as part of its assault on PCs.

The Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a is actually a fabricated threat which in reality does not exist. PC infected with Palladium Pro will receive various pop up messages which state that their PC has been compromised by Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a. The fake security alert will contain a call to action, which will instruct the user on how to remove Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a from the system. PC owners are strongly advised to not act on any correspondence they receive from Palladium Pro, as with any rogue this fake security application is dependent on user interaction in order to successfully attain its dubious goal. One of the notorious fake alerts containing the Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a threat reads as follows:

"Microsoft Security Essentials Alert
Solution found
Microsoft Security Center has detected the submitted suspicious file as "Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a".
Threat level - very high.
Required action - Antivirus software is required to find and delete all traces of the virus.
Click "Ok" to allow operation system to install the trial version of Palladium to solve the problem.
System reboot is required to complete the installation."

Note the grammatical and stylistic errors contained in the fake alert. This should already act as a warning sign and lead you to suspect that the notification is suspect at best.

Do not fall for the criminal extortion employed by Palladium Pro. Delete Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a and remove Palladium Pro from your PC before it causes the inevitable devastation it has become synonymous for.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a

Files associated with Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a infection:


Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a DLL's to remove:


Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a processes to kill:


Remove Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a registry entries:


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