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Danger level 9
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer


Trojan.FakeHadoc is the binary name assigned to HDD Doctor by Microsoft. This harmful rogue application comes in many forms, but its mission is the same: to rip honest consumers off. Trojan.FakeHadoc will try to come across as a legitimate security application which will be truly helpful in protecting your PC against malicious software. The truth is Trojan.FakeHadoc has none of the abilities it advertises, and cannot offer any protection to a PC. In fact, Trojan.FakeHadoc is nothing more than a malicious infection in itself, and will not stop at anything to achieve its dubious goal, even causing permanent damage to its victims’ systems.

Trojan.FakeHadoc infiltrates the PC with the help of illicit websites which act as browser hijackers. These domains forcefully redirects users’ browsing and search sessions to their homepage. Once the users land on these homepages, their system and browser vulnerabilities are exploited and Trojan.FakeHadoc successfully infiltrates and roots itself in the system. Trojan.FakeHadoc also bundles itself with genuine security downloads and updates from third party websites. This is another popular method of entering the PCs of its intended victims’ without their knowledge or consent.

As a first line of attack on the system, Trojan.FakeHadoc will spam the user with various fake security notifications. This is done in an effort to create panic among its victims, and to place itself in a good light in the eyes of its victims. These fake alerts are not to be trusted, and should enjoy no attention whatsoever. Some of the more notorious fake alerts to be on the lookout for include the following:

HDD doctor detected an error on your hard drive when trying to access a file
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
Perform data recovery now?"

"Disk Error
Can not find file: C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
File may be deleted or corrupt.
It is strongly recommended to check the disk for errors."

"Serious system error
The system will reboot in 37 seconds
Windows can not continue operating due to fatal system error.
Windows was forced to restart.
All unsaved data will be lost."

The system disk contains a large number of critical errors.
Windows could not fix most of them.
You can install install trial version of the third party software "HDD doctor" to fix found bugs.
Install "HDD doctor" now?"

"Can not find : xx
File may be deleted or corrupt.
Is is strongly recommanded to scan the disk for errors."

Your hard drive contains a lot of critical errors!
All your data including installed programs, documents, email, etc. are at risk of irreversible corrupt.
The trial version does not have low-level access module needed to fix the errors found.
It is strongly recommended to activate the full version software with necessary modules. Activate full version now?"

Note the grammatically erroneous style in which the fake security notifications are written, as well as the bad spelling used by Trojan.FakeHadoc. This should already act as an indication that Trojan.FakeHadoc is not a legitimate application. Never act on any calls to action contained in Trojan.FakeHadoc fake alerts, as it will invariably lead to you being victimized by these unscrupulous criminals.

Trojan.FakeHadoc was created to take control of your system, and won’t release it back to you until you pay for its HDD Doctor product. Take control back of your system and obliterate Trojan.FakeHadoc from the PC. In order to effectively and permanently delete Trojan.FakeHadoc, take advantage of the removal power of a genuine security tool which will not only obliterate Trojan.FakeHadoc but offer future protection against similar attacks and parasites.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.FakeHadoc
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.FakeHadoc removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.FakeHadoc

Files associated with Trojan.FakeHadoc infection:


Trojan.FakeHadoc DLL's to remove:


Trojan.FakeHadoc processes to kill:


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