1 of 3
Danger level 9
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:
Infection Video Security Shield

Security Shield

Rogue antispyware Security Shield cannot be trusted! This rogueware hails from the same insidious family as Security Tool. Its effects on a PC can be devastating and permanent, and unless you don’t value the security and good performance of your system, you will absolutely have to destroy Security Shield off your PC.

What makes Security Shield so dangerous is that its seemingly legitimate looking user interfaces denotes its true dangerous characteristics. Scanning your PC with its ridiculous fake malware scanner, Security Shield will inform you of numerous dramatic infections which are supposedly crippling your PC. These are fake results used only to panic its victims into paying for its utterly absurd software.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security Shield
  • Quick & tested solution for Security Shield removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

Some of the more sinister fake security messages used by Security Shield to report on bogus infections and to panic their victims read as follows:

Security Shield Warning
Spyware.IEMonster activity detected. This form of spyware attempts to steal passwords from Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Outlook and other commonly used programs. Click here to immediately remove it with Security Shield.

Security Shield Warning
Intercepting malicious software that may violate your privacy and harm your computer has been detected. Click here to remove now with Security Shield.

Files identified to be dropped onto the system after the Security Shield infection roots itself in the system are:


The rogue will list the following contact information if you want to make contact with Security Shield:


Because you are dealing with free domain email addresses, this should already point to Security Shield's status as a fake security application.

All of the devastation and potential destructive damage posed by a Security Shield infection can be avoided if the user takes the wise and necessary action to completely exterminate Security Shield off his system. Simply treating the symptoms of this rogue infection will not suffice. Radical action calls for the user to destroy Security Shield for good if there is to be any chance of regaining control of the system.


Before you get down to eradicating Security Shield, do activate the rogue, using this activation key:


When the rogue is "activated", it will cease spamming you with the fake security notifications and it will be a lot easier to get rid of it.

Infection blocks access to internet so users should follow these instructions:

After Security Shield fake scan is finished, click Remove, then click Yes activate Security Shield then you will see parasite's purchase page. Press Ctrl+N, new Internet Explorer window is opened and you can access internet.

Leave a comment bellow if you have any problems


If you are still struggling with Security Shield and cannot use your computer properly, follow our guidelines to remove this infection.

1.Open your Internet Explorer and find the Tool button on the right-hand side of the browser.
2.Select Internet Options and when a new window is opened, select the Security tab and click on a globe icon named “Internet”.
3.Click on the Custom levels button.
4.Find the following lines and Enable them:
Allow previously unused Active controls to run without prompt
Allow Scriptlets
Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls

5.Press OK and then click on Yes.
6.In the Internet Options window click on OK and close the browser
7.Open the Start menu and select Run.
8.Type http://pcthreat.com/autoinstall and select OK.
9.Now a SpyHunter installer should launch. Install the antimalware and start the scan of the system so that it can detect and remove the infection.

See Video guide:

How to renew your internet connection:

This rogue antispyware blocks your Internet connection to prevent you from removing the rogue application. To enable the Internet connection, please follow these instructions:
  1. Open Internet Explorer and go to >Tools< select >Internet Options<

  2. Select >Connections<

  3. Select >LAN Settings<

  4. Now you need to uncheck the checkbox labeled >Use a proxy server for your LAN< in Proxy Server section. Then press the >OK< button to close this screen and press the >OK< button to close the Internet Options screen.

  5. Now you can download the SpyHunter scanner and remove the infection.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security Shield
  • Quick & tested solution for Security Shield removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Security Shield

Files associated with Security Shield infection:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random].exe

Security Shield processes to kill:


Remove Security Shield registry entries:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce "[random]


  1. kitz Dec 19, 2010

    i used registartion key: 64C665BE-4DE7-423B-A6B6-BC0172B25DF2. how do i now delete security sheild ?

  2. Pcthreat Dec 20, 2010

    Hello kitz,
    Now you need to locate files that are listed and remove them

  3. Justin Dec 23, 2010

    wow dam it anoying security and now all over.DAM ! ty !

  4. JL Dec 25, 2010

    This thing won't let me open any of my antivirus or spyware programs and won't let me open any new ones I've downloaded.

  5. Pcthreat Dec 27, 2010


    Run windows in Safe mode. It usually disables Security Shield and you will be able to run the removal software.

  6. tarun Jan 2, 2011


  7. tyagitarun.1709 Jan 2, 2011

    runwindow in safe mode

  8. Alba Jan 2, 2011

    how do you run windeos in safe mode????? im going crazy with this program..... it wont let me download the anitvirus!!!!!!

  9. Andy Jan 5, 2011

    do u need to pay for this ?

  10. Kat4500 Feb 1, 2011

    Alba press the off button for a few secs and let it shut - down. Then open again and when its on the big page with a few options, go to the top one or whatever option that says ' Safe Mode ' .

  11. Palletz Feb 3, 2011

    That serial number works! Stopped Security Shield so i can actually access the anti spyware programs...thanks guys

  12. Pctherat Feb 4, 2011

    You are always welcome

  13. Deano83 Feb 8, 2011

    I have managed to get a program to remove security shield but now I can't go online... I have followed ur instructions to renew connection but a no go... Any ideas?

  14. Avan Feb 11, 2011


  15. FrustratedKitten Feb 12, 2011

    How do I find the above listed programs and how do I get rid of them???

  16. Stac' Feb 12, 2011

    Well does anyone know if it will charge this money to your account?

  17. ramona May 22, 2011

    ceao anche io ho sto coso che mi distuge il pc..aiutoooo

  18. Kolawole tajudeen Sep 5, 2011

    I can no longer open IE & Mozilla firefox due to this security shield whch claimed to av found 16 threats on my desktop.what do i do?i fear dt my system mght crash.pls help

  19. autum Nov 7, 2011

    code worked

  20. jhana Feb 1, 2012

    Thank you so much. The key worked. Ur awesome!

  21. Pcthreat Feb 2, 2012

    Hey jhana,
    Glad we could help. Notice that adding activation key does not remove all infected files. Make sure to remove all infection related file form your system

  22. Kelly Feb 3, 2012

    I entered the code but I everytime I click "Activate" nothing happens,what do I do?please reply quickly I'm stressing out

  23. Smoke Feb 4, 2012

    I wasn't able to open my anti-virus software, but now i can and i am trying to stop it

  24. Pcthreat Feb 6, 2012


    Where did YOu enter the activation code? Security Shield ?

  25. Pcthreat Feb 6, 2012


    If you get stuck removing Security Shield - just write here, we'll try to help.

  26. 'D'arvit Mar 3, 2012

    code didn't worked! Help!!!!! How do you run save mode? I can't open any other pages on internet so i can't download anything

  27. Pcthreat Mar 4, 2012

    You can try running in SAFE MODE, or download our program from another computer and put the file in a USB drive.

  28. kevin Mar 12, 2012

    it wont let me go on normal coputer i can only run it in safe mode plz get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!!! i had it in 2010 it was easy to remove but now it improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. JIMMY Mar 12, 2012


  30. kevin Mar 12, 2012

    i am not a geek jimmy i am just good at computers ok but i will try and find out i will tell you all if i find it

  31. JIMMY Mar 12, 2012

    OK GEEK:)

  32. kevin Mar 12, 2012

    -_- stop it

  33. kevin Mar 12, 2012


  34. Pcthreat Mar 13, 2012

    Running in SAFE MODE usually helps removing Security Shield

  35. slowpc Mar 13, 2012

    i've successfully remove that security shield but now my pc run very slow especially i launch windows explorer. help!

  36. yap Mar 13, 2012

    good ---


  37. Pcthreat Mar 14, 2012


    How did you remove it? Was it with Spyhunter? If not, just download the scanner and see if there are any files left

  38. KEVIN Mar 22, 2012

    holy ***** it came back it downloded by its self HELP!

  39. KEVIN Mar 22, 2012


  40. blob Mar 22, 2012

    where do you put the code plz help!!!!!

  41. Pcthreat Mar 22, 2012


    Inside the Security Shield program, Click Remove and then Activate

  42. Pcthreat Mar 22, 2012


    its nature is to download itself. How did You remove it the first time. We really advice getting a removal tool, which will remove ALL asociated files and protect from further attacks of Security Shield

  43. Osvaldo Apr 5, 2012

    ola minha qente.

  44. sara Apr 27, 2012

    your post will help peoples to

  45. kevin May 21, 2012

    wait the pcthret is blocking the answe!

  46. Pcthreat May 22, 2012


    What do you mean we block the answer?

  47. Will May 23, 2012

    where are the files that i need to delete? i already put the key and all. answer fast please.

  48. Pcthreat May 24, 2012

    There is this field under The description that says "Files *****ociated with Security Shield infection:"
    There is a folder path - go there.

  49. Renata Jun 4, 2012

    Hi, this thing totally blocked everything in my computer and I was forced to buy this software, so things start running again. So I bought the smallest version, one year, for about 60 dollars. Now I see on my statement that 80 dollars was taken. This is a theft. They force you to buy it, then even charge you more than you agree. I hope they end up in jail.

  50. Pcthreat Jun 4, 2012


    Try calling your bank and cancelling they payment, and remove Security Shield straight away!

  51. WEREYA Jun 4, 2012

    I cannot connect internet. Proxy server is unchecked.How to solve it.

  52. Pcthreat Jun 4, 2012


    Maybe your network adapters were disabled?
    Or Maybe try downloading our program from another PC, and use a USB stick to transfer.

  53. Amul Jun 11, 2012

    Good help you all

  54. james Jun 16, 2012

    i was checking wether i had any of its processes active on task manager and there wasn't and the 2 icons for the security shield at the bottom near the time jus dissapeared

  55. james Jun 16, 2012

    i havnt had any of the scan mssges come up again for a while so now im confused? is it gone or just luled me into a false sense of security...

  56. james Jun 16, 2012

    i'll update u guys on my situation in case any1 else has had any similar problems it literaly only happened to me an hour ago and i jus new it was a virus so i didnt clik scan i jus straight away went on task manager end task (several times)

  57. james Jun 16, 2012

    done windows 7 update so im not sure i feel so lucky compared to u guys i didnt hav to dwnload anything to get rid of it but could it of just transfered onto a different user account on this pc i jus feel on edge now lol i hope ive been let off lightly here !!!

  58. sam Jun 18, 2012

    thank you very much......for your help...

  59. hakimin1 Jun 28, 2012

    successfull tq bro...

  60. sjs Jul 1, 2012

    im trying to install the spyhunter, but the time to downloas just keeps increasing.. what is going on here? should i install it in safe mode or something?

  61. Stephen J. Herceg Jul 4, 2012

    I have purchased Internet Utilities 15 but you did not give me a security code.

  62. Stephen J Herceg Jul 4, 2012

    You did not give a security code to open or start the program!!!

  63. Pcthreat Jul 5, 2012

    Stephen J. Herceg,

    Could You be more specific about Your problem, as we dont have anything in common with Internet Utilities 15

  64. Pcthreat Jul 5, 2012


    Yes, Sometimes the download may be slow. Yes try downloading it in safe mode.

  65. pta Jul 13, 2012

    When I tried to download spyhunter, after i accept the agreement and it starts installing, i get a sign that says "fatal error" and "installation ended prematurely because of an error." i tried downloading and installing a second time but i got the same error. what should i do now to ensure that the virus/malware has been removed? i havent been getting anything suspicious, just that my computer runs a bit slower.

  66. pta Jul 13, 2012

    When I tried to download spyhunter, after i accept the agreement and it starts installing, i get a sign that says "fatal error" and "installation ended prematurely because of an error." i tried downloading and installing a second time but i got the same error. what should i do now to ensure that the virus/malware has been removed? i havent been getting anything suspicious, just that my computer runs a bit slower.

  67. pta Jul 13, 2012

    When I tried to download spyhunter, after i accept the agreement and it starts installing, i get a sign that says "fatal error" and "installation ended prematurely because of an error." i tried downloading and installing a second time but i got the same error. what should i do now to ensure that the virus/malware has been removed? i havent been getting anything suspicious, just that my computer runs a bit slower.

  68. llr Jul 17, 2012

    My advice: take it into a shop that knows how to remove SS. To me, the small cost involved is worth it to save the aggravation involved and the lingering doubt as to whether I have removed absolutely everything SS might do. You simply cannot leave these things on you computer; that is not an option in my opinion.

  69. SecurityShield Hater Nov 17, 2012

    Ooh..Thanks for usefull post..God Bless you Pcthreat

  70. sara Feb 10, 2013

    Good post about computer it is very useful for users

  71. sara Jul 29, 2013

    Good post about computer it is very useful for users

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