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Danger level 9
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:


Most inexperienced PC owners will be unaware of the fact that rogue security applications aren’t the only threat you have to worry about. There are associated malware and Trojans which accompanies a rogue infection which also need to be taken care of and removed. TrojanSPM/LX is the perfect case in point.

TrojanSPM/LX is only a symptom of a much larger problem. The System Tool rogue was created to sneakily enter the victim’s PC and bombard him with fake alerts, including the now infamous TrojanSPM/LX popup message. The System Tool Trojan is also known to create other havoc on the infected PC, such as slowing the system performance.

The fake System Tool alert will inform the user that his PC is infected TrojanSPM/LX. It reads as follows:

“Security Monitor: WARNING!
Attention: System detected a potential hazard (TrojanSPM/LX) on your computer that may infect executable files. Your private information and PC safety is at risk. To get rid of unwanted spyware and keep your computer safe you need to update your current security software.
Click Yes to download official intrusion detection system (IDS software).”

“There is a security vulnerability from the TrojanSPM/LX. We recommend you DOWNLOAD one of the security software programs to pevent malware infections”

The only purpose of these fake notifications is to instill panic in the user and get him to believe that System Tool is able to remove TrojanSPM/LX t, which is simply not true.

Once users are presented with this fake notification, they will need to eliminate System Tool from the PC to stop the fake notifications from appearing. Getting rid of System Tool is the only way the user will be able to get rid of the fake TrojanSPM/LX notification and permanently regain control back of his PC.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* TrojanSPM/LX
  • Quick & tested solution for TrojanSPM/LX removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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