W32.zeekerW32.zeeker is a computer virus which you don\'t want anywhere near your machine. W32.zeeker does not come in isolation as it tries very hard to download additional files onto your computer system. You need to know that W32.zeeker also tries to download as well as execute a specific file which it will save as ioio.exe\".W32.zeeker is able to download all types of additional files everywhere. One of the way that you may know that you have W32.zeeker on your machine is when you see files appearing and disappearing on your system that you didn\'t place there or delete. You may also find that some of your system settings are modified as well as the factor that it may feel like somebody else is watching your machine or controlling your machine. W32.zeeker is able to send your information to predetermined remote servers with the inclusion of all your personal information and your banking details. You need to kill W32.zeek from your computer system immediately upon detection because if you don\'t you are going to experience all the negative consequences of this terrible virus. |
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