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Danger level 8
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow internet connection
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:

Antimalware Defender

Antimalware Defender is a malicious new rogue antispyware application that is lurking around the internet and waiting to infect your computer system. Antimalware Defender pretends that it was made by Microsoft. It is distributed by the use of fake alerts, with regard to a new update for the Windows operating system .Antimalware Defender will only steal your money and mess your computer system up.

The fake Antimalware Defender alerts will read:
"Antimalware security update for Windows XP (KB961118), Size: 433KB.
This critical update will install System Security Update 2010.01.023 (Antimalware Defender Upgrade; KB648759)"

Antimalware Defender may go by the following names:
• AntimalwareDefender
• Antimalware.Defender

Antimalware Defender may display some of the following symptoms:
• Annoying pop up messages.
• A fake scan report.
• Fake scan report results.
• Security system notifications.
• The option of buying a full version.
• Slow computer performance.
• Desktop settings that change.
• Your web browser may be redirected.

Antimalware Defender needs to get removed from your computer as soon as possible upon immediate detection. You need to be warned that if you choose to make use of the manual removal process, the risks are very high of you causing severe additional damage to your computer. It is within your best interest to choose the automatic removal process. Where a decent software application will detect as well as automatically remove Antimalware Defender for you. When it comes to anything related to Antimalware Defender, it is highly suggested that you don't take any chances as the risks are too high.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Antimalware Defender
  • Quick & tested solution for Antimalware Defender removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Antimalware Defender

Files associated with Antimalware Defender infection:


Antimalware Defender processes to kill:


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