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Danger level 10
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • System crashes
  • Slow internet connection
  • Installs itself without permissions
Other mutations known as:


Abebot is a latest Backdoor Trojan. This Trojan is affecting users internet security settings. We know that Abebot Trojan is used in rogue anti-spyware programs to display fake warning messages and reports. This Trojan usually gives this type of messages:

File: C:\WINDOWS\wml.exe
Click here to visit PC-Antispyware web site.”

“System Integrity Scan Wizard
Warning: Your ocmputer may have critical errors in Windows registry and file system!”

As you can see his message was generated by rogue anti-spyware program PC-Antispyware (or it can be generated by PC-Cleaner) that is using Abebot Trojan as a parasite that it scanning for. So basically this is an attempt to trick users with Abebot Trojan to get them click on the massage that can take to rogue anti-spyware program sites like It is very important for users to remove all Abebot Trojan components from their computer as soon as possible and not to use any of Abebot promoted rogue anti-spyware program.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Abebot
  • Quick & tested solution for Abebot removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Abebot

Files associated with Abebot infection:


Abebot processes to kill:



  1. Cody May 6, 2008

    I cant use my task manager to shut down any processes it says its locked by the admin. can anyone help? Im also getting the ads for pc cleaner and pc antispyware, and abebot, and trojandownloader.xs can anyone help me remove these things?

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