- Installs itself without permissions
SupTabSupTab is a potentially unwanted program that may be used as a browser helper object or adware helper object by a number of potential computer threats. At first glance it may seem that there is nothing dangerous about SupTab, and truth to be told the application itself cannot infect you with malware. However, if it gets coupled with a serious computer threat, it may seriously impede your overall web-browsing process. If you see SupTab installed on your computer, remove it via Control Panel, and then make sure that it is removed from Internet Explorer as well. The reason why we recommend removing SupTab from Internet Explorer is that this program is promoted as a new “Lightning New Tab” for Internet Explorer. You can encounter its page via Facebook at facebook.com/lightiningnewtabforie, although this application usually comes bundled with other software. It is the most common technique for shareware and even malware distribution these days, which is why you should be cautious about SupTab. The problem is that it is often bundled with Awesomehp.com, which is a dangerous browser hijacker infection. As a browser hijacker, Awesomehp.com may try all different methods to remain on your computer for as long as possible. Since SupTab can function as adware helper, Awesomehp.com may use it to prevent you from changing your browser settings. After all, SupTab runs a service with each system boot up, and this service prevents you from performing any Internet Explorer settings modifications. You will see a new add-on in the list of Toolbars and Extensions under the name of IETabPage Class, but the program will not allow you to remove the application via Internet Explorer. It is obvious that SupTab cannot do much on its own, but as you can see, it may become rather troublesome if exploited by malicious third party. Therefore, the sooner you remove SupTab from your computer the better. Do not forget that you need to run a full system scan with a powerful antimalware tool in order to detect all the other unwanted applications as well, because SupTab seldom comes alone. It is not much of a problem if it is bundled with freeware applications, but if it indeed arrives with browser hijackers, then you may soon find yourself in a serious trouble. We provide manual removal instructions for SupTab below. The add-on should disappear from Internet Explorer browser once you uninstall the program via Control Panel. However, just to make sure that your system is not threatened by any unknown applications, scan it with SpyHunter free scanner and then invest in a powerful computer security application if necessary. How to remove SupTabWindows 8
Windows Vista & Windows 7
Windows XP
You can always leave a comment below if you have any further questions about SupTab or your computer security in general. | ||||||||||
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I have windows 7 and I did what you suggested. BUT, I have no idea where the SupTab is listed. It isn't mentioned at all in the Uninstall Program section. Or anywhere else, for that matter. What should I do now?
same here. I can't see the damn thing...
Hi I am not a computer expert - I found it internet options. - add on files - C: program files(x86) subtabs
saya pernah menghapus nya,tapi kok datang lagi
file di program files atau berada di volume informasi
I came here because i wanted to remove the globoso.search thing and i discover that i have Supbar installed to, i unnistalled that. About globoso.search i removed it from the add-ons on firefox.. but when i type something on the url bar it opens globoso search thing.
I don't know how i can delete that, i've done everything to try to remove it.. if anyone can help me, please help.
Sorry my english is bad i know :)
I came here because i wanted to remove the globoso.search thing and i discover that i have Supbar installed to, i unnistalled that. About globoso.search i removed it from the add-ons on firefox.. but when i type something on the url bar it opens globoso search thing.
I don't know how i can delete that, i've done everything to try to remove it.. if anyone can help me, please help.
Sorry my english is bad i know :)
Daniel, right click it, and go to file location, and then delete it.
program files\suptab\uninstal.exe
i have XP and i did every thing has been wrote there =_=
but i cant find the ***** suptab
i deleted every what i can delet from ( run-regedit-hotkey user- soft ware and the other users too )
and then i found that when i open google from firefox i found ( websearch)
in the first page -.- i want gooogleeeee T________T
go die you are a pitiful excuse for a sack of meat
I deleted it by resetting internet explorer. (Look it up). Then, I logged off and logged back on. Next, I opened My Computer. In the C drive, I went to program files (x86) and deleted the sup tab folder.It's that simple.
It may be in program files.
The uninstall leaves a bunch of files still there. It just makes it look like it's uninstalled.
I tried to delete the SupTap folder from program files(x86) but it did not allow me, error message said that it is being used by another program. I did not have any programs open at the time and had just restarted my laptop. I run windows 7 professional.
Please lemme know what to do....
I have the same issue as Hisora
Am trying many things but not getting rid of the folder
I tried running the DOS Command as Administrator
I have tried starting with 'net connectsie
But not getting anywhere
Windows Vista
I found something else just now
The digital signature for HpUI.exe is Zhang Ling with email chloezhangling.com
Over to you . . . . . .
I went to TaskManager and selected Properties for HpUI.exe
Then I (somehow) found where to de-select Full Control
Then I could delete everything in SupTab and now I feel better about it
Same prob here no suptab in control panel,and it is not getting deleted in programfiles(x86),what to do ?
restart the computer in safe mode with networking and go to program files (x86) again
yes it is not listed!!!
Every time i delete it forder permanenetly it comes back1
Hey guys just download SpyHunter 4 and scan, it will find SupTab and you can eradicate it.
Finally a solution, i had to do it manually but it worked
@KLG I tried your way and it worked! I (somehow) found too where to de-select Full Control and after that I was able to delete all the Sup Tab folder. Thanks again!
Any software is not required. Simply open processes on task manager.Right click
Hpui.exe then click open file location. Again right click on Hpui.exe then click end process. Within 2 second You have to delete the file. Then delete the sub tab folder. Do it gays, I'm sure it work. Enjoy......
well you want to remove manually then you have to first Stop Loader32.dll and Loader64.dll from Task Manager then you can remove whole folder :) it works for me
in Task Manager i killed Loader32.exe and HpUI.exe but after 5s 2 process restart.
pls help me!
thank your very much
Sufyan is right, it is working
follow KLG Sep 9, 2014 comment... hellow my above friend you can't delete them. first select them >>open program properties>>security>>advanced>>de-check bottom tic mark>>then remove control...then only you can delete that from task manager as well as from c-drive program-files folder. Thanks
Help i cant delete it
Make sure you kill the processes first. Then delete the files. Suptab did not appear under that name in my installed programs. I had to delete it manually. Some of the processes came back up so go through the list and kill them and check again. Then go through the process of searching for the *****ociated files. This had installed under Windows/program files.....X86/
Running Win8.1
Doesnt uninstall on its own and when i go to the uninstaller.exe in the program files for suptap and click it and choose yes to uninstall... it does nothing... I was forced to install when uninstalling an unwanted guplayer thing and now I cant get rid of it! Very upset
I succeeded in uninstalling it, it doesn't appear as suptab in my case, it appears as mystartsearch, so you gotta uninstall mystartsearch then proceed to the folder(depending on which browser)in my case i uses the google chrome so i proceed to google/chrome > application > default folder to delete -search.crx and other unrelated files to chrome
Does anyone know how to get rid of mystartsearch very annoying and i need it gone i have tried everything. Please help!
Does anyone know how to get rid of mystartsearch very annoying and i need it gone i have tried everything. Please help!
Just received this annoying little add on this morning the IETab Cl*****. For similar malware this may work as well. Easiest way to get rid is to close your browser then navigate to a folder in Program Files (x86). Once there look for a folder called XTab and inside there select the uninstall.exe this will then remove it from you machine (well it has removed it for the last 5 minutes anyway)
Danny. Thanks a ton for your help. This was the only way to solve this. It wasn't on add and remove programs. And I was going crazy with the new tab with safe homepage. Thanks once again.
Remove all programs this program is a HIGH JACKER this destroys a computer
My all your programs connected with Cross browse Arthurs and Firefox are COMPUTER HIGHJACKERS NOT GOOD GOOGLE CHROME OK
I already searched for the keywords you provided to kill subtab in task manager but I can't find any. I can't delete the folder coz it says still running. :(