Danger level 3
Type: Potentially Unwanted Application


Tika-search.com is a potentially unwanted application related to Bueno Search and Delta-Search browser plugins. If you enter tika-search.com into your browser’s address bar and hit Enter, you will be redirected to Buenosearch.com. It shows that Tika-search.com and Tika Toolbar that comes with it are directly related to Bueno Search Gqs.donedrive.net Virus and all the other similar applications that you should not be present on your computer. Therefore, acquire a powerful computer security application that will help you remove Tika-search.com from your computer immediately. At the same time, make sure your system is protected against similar potentially unwanted applications.

Since in general there is no direct download link either for Tika-search.com or Tika Toolbar, most of the time this extension comes bundled with freeware applications and adware programs. It is of no surprise then, that it is associated with Gqs.donedrive.net Virus which is an adware platform, infamous for spamming computer users with commercial advertisements. It should be pointed out, however, that Tika-search.com is not a malicious infection, as users often allow this extension to be installed on their computers, although they do not do that consciously. Most of the time, they simply skip through the freeware installation steps, missing pieces of information that notify them about Tika-search.com.

Consequently, if they install all the features of this application, the home page and default search engine might be changed to either buenosearch.com or delta-search.com. What is more, you may also have Tika Toolbar installed, which comes with Facebook and YouTube shortcuts, as well as a box with commercial advertisements that are displayed all of the time. This is the main reason why you should avoid Tika-search.com.

It is obvious that Tika-search.com does not generate these commercial advertisements itself, and it relies on third party advertising networks to gather commercial offers and display them for you. Therefore, even if Tika-search.com has a privacy policy, it does not cover third party content it displays, and even if you get redirected to a potentially malicious websites after having clicked a particular commercial ad, Tika-search.com cannot be held responsible for it.

Basically, despite being more of an annoying nuisance than a dangerous infection, Tika-search.com should be removed from your computer, as it may end up being responsible for a number of security issues. Follow the instructions below to remove Tika-search.com and restore your browser settings. After manual removal, run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to check for other potentially unwanted programs install on your PC. Invest in a reliable antimalware program and remove dangerous programs and files if any are found.

Remove Tika Toolbar

Windows 8

  1. Move mouse cursor to the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Click Settings on Charms bar and go to Control Panel.
  3. Select Uninstall a program and remove Tika Toolbar.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and remove Tika Toolbar.

Windows XP

  1. Open Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or remove programs and uninstall Tika Toolbar.

Restore your browser settings

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and click Internet options.
  2. Press Use default button under General tab and click OK.
  3. Press Alt+T again and click Manage add-ons.
  4. Click Search providers on the left pane.
  5. Set a new default search engine, remove Delta-Search/Buenosearch and click Close.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Firefox button and click Options.
  2. Press Restore to default button under General tab and click OK.
  3. Click the search engine icon on the left of Firefox search box.
  4. Select Manage search engines from drop-down box.
  5. Remove unwanted search engines from the list and click OK.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and click Settings.
  2. Select Open a specific page or set of pages under On Startup.
  3. Click Set pages, change your home page address and press OK.
  4. Select Manage search engines under Search.
  5. Set a new default search engine; remove Delta-Search or Bueno Search and press Done.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance with Tika-search.com removal.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Tika-search.com
  • Quick & tested solution for Tika-search.com removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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