Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer

Din computer er blevet låst virus

Din computer er blevet låst virus is a cunning ransomware scam which has been spread in Denmark by Gimemo Trojan. If you do not have a reliable spyware removal tool on your PC, you should get one as the computer can be easily infected with this obnoxious threat while browsing insecure websites. Those whose PCs are infected already know that Din computer er blevet låst virus corrupts the system so that you cannot use the PC properly. As a result,  the infection generates a  full-screen message claiming that you have illegally downloaded music which is why you are supposed to pay the fine.

The supposed seriousness of the warning is implied by the logo of Danish police (Politiet) and KODA which is the Danish Authors’ Society administrating Danish and international copyright for music creators and publishers. It works to ensure that the author of a piece of music gets paid after his/her music is played publicly. In reality this society is not related to the Trojan.

The same goes for the famous trademarks representing computer security programs such as Kaspersky and Norton. If you were to contact any of the institution presented in the warning, you would be told that you have been tricked.  Hence you should ignore the content of the full-screen warning:

Please notice: Hvis du ikke gør dette, kan det medføre kriminelle anklager og eventuel fængsling.

Der er fundet musik, som er ulovligt downloadet (piratkopieret), på din computer.

Ved at downloade musikken er den blevet reproduceret, hvilket er en kriminel handling i henhold til Afsnit 106 i Loven om ophavsret.

In addition to Din computer er blevet låst virus, there are more Gimemo’s variants which are written in different languages; for example, Ordinateur est Verrouillé virus presents a French warning, while Datamaskinen Din Har Blitt Låst Virus is French.

All of the ransomware viruses seek to get your money. As for the infection in question, you are supposed to pay a fine of 1000 kroner (DKK) via Paysafecard. Due to this prepaid service, this infection can be classified as Paysafecard Virus.

Do you want to get rid of this threat? Do it right now with our spyware removal tool which can easily delete Din computer er blevet låst virus and other unwanted applications.

Din computer er blevet låst virus Removal

Instructions for Windows Vista/7

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. When the BIOS startup screen loads, tap the F8 key.
  3. Using the arrow keys highlight Safe Mode with Networking and hit the Enter key.
  4. Go to and download SpyHunter.
  5. Run the installer and scan the PC afterwards.

Instructions for Windows XP

  1. Reboot the computer.
  2. Tap the F8 key after the BIOS screen loads.
  3. Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. On the dialog box, click on Yes.
  5. Go to the Start menu.
  6. Launch Run.
  7. Type “msconfig”.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Open the Startup tab.
  10. Click on the Disable All button.
  11. Finalize the alternation, click on Apply.
  12. Download SpyHunter.
  13. Reboot the computer.
  14. Install the application and remove the infection.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Din computer er blevet låst virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Din computer er blevet låst virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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