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Danger level 7
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's

Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit

Ransomware infections are especially common nowadays and most of them belong to Ukash Virus family. Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit is also a part of the Ukash Virus group. This ransomware infects computers that have German IP addresses. Upon the installation Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit checks the user's locale based on the IP address, and then switches its interface into the German version, that displays the following message:


Das Betriebssystem wurde im Zusammenhang mit Verstoßen gegen die Gesetze der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gesperrt!

Es wurde folgender Verstoß festgestelltt: Ihre IP Adresse lautet "XX.YYY.WW.ZZ" mit dieser IP wurden Seiten mit pornografischen Inhalten, Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder aufgerufen Auf Ihrem Computer wurden ebenfalls Videodateien mit pornografischen Inhalten, Elementen von Gewalt und Kinderpornografie festgestellt!

Es wurden auch Emails in Form von Spam, mit terroristischen Hintergründen, verschickt. Diese Sperre des Computers dient dazu, Ihre illegalen Aktivitäten zu unterbinden.

Basically it says that your computer has been blocked, because you have visited websites containing child pornography, violence against children, bestiality and you have also saved on your computer videos of pornographic content. Now, even if any of these allegations were true, Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit does not have a right to lock your computer, because it has nothing to do with Germany's Federal Police authorities. Not to mention, that police does not lock personal computers off yet.

Therefore, Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit is quite obviously a fake application that seeks to acquire financial gain. The ransomware says that the user's computer will be unlocked if he pays 100 Euro via the Ukash pre-paid card system. However, Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit does not have intention of unlocking the infected computer. It is there to rip the user off, and it will continue asking for money until there are no Euros left.

Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of the Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit's message automatically. The user has to do it himself if he wants to save money and time (rather than going to a technician's). It is possible to get your desktop back if you do the following:

1. Reboot your system and press F8 to load System boot menu (Do it before the Windows logo appears).
2. Choose Safe Mode with Networking from the System boot menu. Use arrow keys to navigate. Press Enter.
3. When the mode loads, if you have Windows 7 or Vista, open Start Menu and type "msconfig" into the search box. Press Enter. If you use Windows XP, open Start Menu, launch RUN and type "msconfig", then press Enter.
4. System Customization window will pop up. Select the Startup tab and un-check all the boxes next to the program names. This will disable the autorun.
5. Access the Internet and download a computer security tool SpyHunter to remove Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit with.
6. Restart your computer in Normal mode, install the security program and erase Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit automatically.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit
  • Quick & tested solution for Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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